We went through this a few years ago. Here is the collection of my favorites.
We went through this a few years ago in the Raft Up section. I know there are some repeats here. Here is the collection of my favorites from back then:
"It is far better to bend the wind than to break it."
"We will put up that spinnaker, and God can bring it down."
"If you've never run aground, You've never been anywhere."
"Green to green, red to red, all is fine, go ahead."
"When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."
"When in doubt, let it out." “When in doubt, turn out."
"If something's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!"
"If we get lost, we'll just pull in somewhere and ask for directions."
"Tiller towards trouble." (when teaching someone to steer with a tiller).
For the guy with "only one oar in the water", you can say:
"Fractional-his head stay doesn't go all the way to the top."
"Old sailors never die they just get a little dinghy."
"Request permission to lay along side."
"Sailing is hours of pleasure interrupted by moments of sheer panic."
"Power boaters are always in a hurry because they want to be somewhere else.
Sailors aren't in a hurry because they are exactly where they want to be."
"Those who hurry across the sea change their sky, not their attitude."
"The golden triangle of boat ownership is: Time, Money, and Skill. Pick any two sides."
"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing
As simply messing about in boats."
"Sailing is the best 10 hobbies I' ever got involved in."
"You can't give your life more days, but you can give your days more life."
”B.O.A.T. = Break Out Another Thousand.”
“A boat is a hole in the water surrounded by wood you throw your money into.”
“Keep the stick up, the keel down, and the water out.”