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    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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Ericson 27's in Buffalo, 3 of you...


Junior Member
At the same dock in the Small Boat Harbor, it's a boat I'm interested in looking at, seeing if I like it. PM me, reply here, or just come on down to J712 if you see me at my boat (grey and red O'day 192 2nd from the end of J dock).

I was going out for a sail this evening and saw one docked, then when we came back and walked down to have a look I see 3 of them! :egrin:


Member II
At the same dock in the Small Boat Harbor, it's a boat I'm interested in looking at, seeing if I like it. PM me, reply here, or just come on down to J712 if you see me at my boat (grey and red O'day 192 2nd from the end of J dock).

I was going out for a sail this evening and saw one docked, then when we came back and walked down to have a look I see 3 of them! :egrin:
There's going to be one more, but up at EBM by end of week.............mine! Just have to move it from Erie this wk!:egrin:


Junior Member
Well then invite me out for a sail and I'll bring some beer, or whatever you want to drink. The Ericson 27 is the leading candidate to be my 3rd (or 5th if you count my other 2 dinghys) boat, I would love to see how she sails the lake. My O'day does fine but is too small to entertain on.


Junior Member
There's going to be one more, but up at EBM by end of week.............mine! Just have to move it from Erie this wk!:egrin:

Hey, did you buy the one at RCR in Erie? I was seriously eyeballing that boat, and now it's listed as bastard.

j/k :egrin:


Junior Member
You snooze you lose! There is lots of 27's out there, you will find the right one!

That one was too rich for my budget anyway, at least right now. It's either buy a fixer-upper for half that one (listed at $12,500 IIRC) or buy a nice one and not have to do so much work, if I do that latter I'm going to wait until we pay off something first, like our garage.


Junior Member

So, is that a yes? And did you make it back from Erie ok? :egrin: I just love that viking smilie, if I get an Ericsom I'm putting it on the main, or on a burgee, hell I think I'll put it on my O'day :egrin:


Member II
Ok, I see it now (1974) the renovation images. Especially like locating the traveler across the companionway. I have a wheel so the traveler is on the molded rise where the pedestal sits. I plan to relocate it (if I have room)...........I have 8 lines running aft through clutches, 4 port, 4 not much room left on the deck house! Question: what product did you use on the teak work? Thx!


Member II
Thanks LB! Didn't give it a thought that a fellow forum member made these. Just emailed him for info. Thanks, again!:egrin: