SouthWest Gathering

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
When do you all plan to Arrive? I think it's time to talk some more.

When do you plan to Arrive Martin and all?

I am going over Wednesday May 6th. Shoving off no later than 10 am. I should get to the Isthmus no later than 3 pm. In my experience from sailing over there this time of year I will be motor sailing for the first hour and a half or more because usually I have the wind on the nose until almost half way across the Channel.

If any one else is interested in departing that time let me know and we could try to cross together. We might also want to talk about what VHF channels to monitor. I like hale on 16 and switch 72.

We may want to talk about gathering on the beach and grabbing a picnic table or two and have a BBQ and Pot Luck of sorts. I don't want to get too organized about who brings what. Probably just do a BYOB & BYO meat for the grill and share what ever else. We could actually discuss a meeting time when we get over there. I think there should be no obligations to do any thing if you don't want to.

I vote for a "Hang Loose" theme!:egrin:
I am really more interested in meeting everyone and getting as many Ericson's in one place as we can. It will of course be a great opportunity to take some nice photos of these classic boats.

If this Gathering goes well we could discuss the possibility of something more organized in the future like renting out one of the Band Stands that have power hook ups and nice big BBQ Grills.

This may be a helpful link. You can now check the mooring availability on line now at:

Scroll down to the bottom.

By the way Martin. There are 99 moorings at Cherry Cove and right now there are 99 available! Lets go now! :cheers:Oh but wait, Rains forecast for tomorrow.:mad:

BTW the mooring rates have gone up a little. Example a 30' mooring is up a buck from last year at $26. a night. Still a lot cheaper than Motel 6!:clap:

Sorry, no photo of Cherry Cove on the Two Harbors web site yet.


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Glyn Judson

Southwest Gathering, arrival dates.

Jeff and all, Marilyn and I also plan to arrive with our two dogs on May 6, probably around noon, staying through May 10 and will most likely pick up a mooring can in Isthmus against the "wall" on the west side, the high numbers on Bravo or Charlie rows. A potluck on the beach sounds like a good plan near the small bandstand maybe? How about holding it in the late afternoon on Friday, May 8 or Saturday, May 9 for the most chance of other Ericson folks to join in? I just left a phone message with Leslie, Isthmus Events Coordinator, 310.510.4249, asking her to call me back with the rate to reserve the small bandstand and the adjacent largish fire pit. We could go there without a reservation and take our chances but a reservation would lock it in for us and wouldn't risk getting kicked out by some group with a reservation. What say you all, is this getting too formal? Before agreeing to this, why not wait for me to hear back from Leslie? Now that I've had a moment to think about it, something tells me that the reservation cost would take your breath away if you weren't ready for it. Plan B could be to stake out a BBQ table and small adjacent grill nearer to the General Store (remember that one Marty?) for no cost at all if someone were to be willing to sit on it all day from the morning on. Otherwise someone else will have done the same thing and by late afternoon every table and grill will be claimed. Trust me on that one, been there, done that, I guarantee that if any of us waltzed up there in the afternoon, we'd be SOL. Jeff, I took a short stroll on the web and came up with this magnificent panoramic image of the Isthmus: Sorry, none of Cherry Cove though but click in the upper right corner of the full screen version and you can visit other locals on the island. 'Till later, Glyn


Leaving Mission Bay on Tuesday May 6

I really do want to sail rather than motor so I'm not sure when we'll arrive but it might be Wednesday the 7th. With perfect wind throughout it would take us 10 hours to get there so I'd guess it will be more like 20 hours. For that reason we'll probably also head back starting Saturday so we can drive home at a reasonable hour on Sunday.


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Sven I think you mean Thursday the 7th. I know it's a haul for you but I am sure you will have a great sail and I can't blame you for wanting to sail it. You should have a great sled ride back to SD!

So, I think Friday afternoon would be a good time to do a BBQ Potluck.

I look forward to finally meeting you and Marilyn Glyn. I will try to get close to you by the wall on the west side. Since we are arriving mid week I think we should have pretty good luck picking where we want to be.

I often see no one there at the Band Stands even at peak season. I was with a group one year to celebrate the Anniversaries of two sailing couples, we all pitched in and rented the Band Stand one night (brought our own food & drinks) and then we had the back room at the Harbor Reef to ourselves complete with meals and it came to $50 bucks each. I think we had about 30-40 people.

Plan B: I think just grabbing out a couple tables in front of the General Store would be fine. It's usually nice and shady there if you get the right tables.

I think we should really do a head count before we think about the Band Stand.

Nice photo Glyn. We could only wish that Two Harbors will be that vacant in May. Speaking of May, with the rains forecast for this week, the wild flowers and green Island should be just amazing in early May!

Glyn Judson

May weather at the Isthmus.

Jeff, Go back to that photo and look in the lower left corner at the date it was taken, May 18. Granted it's a lot drier this year so the hills might not be as green but especially with the economy and the early part of the season, we might just see the moorings look like that. Keep your fingers crossed. Glyn


Member III
Hello all
I will be heading over on 6th and staying through the 10th as well. Hey Jeff, I will try to meet up with you and head over with you. My family will be coming on the Ferry on Saturday morning. Group BBQ sounds great.
Regulus is on the hard at Marina Shipyard getting the bottom done. I just had it done a little over a year ago and now it is peeling. Doing some other stuff at the same time.
Looking forward to meeting you all.



I just took Jeff's original list and edited it to add some names and put it in the first post of this thread. Let me know any needed edits and I'll try to keep it up to date.

Speaking of "date" I guess I should add in arrival and departure dates if known.


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Hello all
I will be heading over on 6th and staying through the 10th as well. Hey Jeff, I will try to meet up with you and head over with you. My family will be coming on the Ferry on Saturday morning. Group BBQ sounds great.
Regulus is on the hard at Marina Shipyard getting the bottom done. I just had it done a little over a year ago and now it is peeling. Doing some other stuff at the same time.
Looking forward to meeting you all.

Sounds good Greg. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with you, your quick! I had a cat and mouse sort of race with a standard rig 1970 E-30 weekend before last and I held my own. I saw that owner of the E-30 Gypsy Woman, John last night and he kept pointing out that both our "E" boats left a Hunter 42 in the dust heading out of the Angles Gate. John actively races his boat and is a very good sailor. I have been trying to get him to our Gathering but he's sailing up to Puget Sound on May 2nd.

Good luck in the yard. Marina Ship Yard is a great place with honest people. I not only did my boat there last year but I helped out with two other buddies boats there.

Glyn Judson

Cost to reserve the west bandstand, the grill and the fire pit.

All, I just found out the fee to reserve the west bandstand on the Isthmus beach, available May 9 only from Elecia at 310.510.4205. It's $75.00 which would lock in and guarantee its use by us. Like I said earlier in this thread, someone would have to babysit one of the smaller grills near the General Store to absolutely guarantee its availability in the late afternoon, so the choice is really up to the group. Thoughts? Glyn


Member III
Hello all
I am fine with reserving the bandstand if we are getting together. Sounds like it will be less than 10 a piece.
Jeff, we will see how fast I am without crew on the way over. Regulus is still on the hard, the bottom was peeling so we had to spend even more money to get it sanded. Jessica re-lettered the stern while hanging off a ladder. At least she is earning her art degree that I am paying for.
Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Bill Upchurch

Member II
My Brother Joe and I will be leaving L.A. Harbor Thursday morning the 7th, and returning Saturday May 9th.
We are excited and looking forward to the outing. Thanks to all of you for putting it together.
See you on the 7th.

Sam Vickery

Member III
I will be coming from Dana Point on Thursday morning the 7th (hoping to arrive before 5pm) and leaving on Sunday the 10th. My wife is opting out of this trip and I will sailing over with a friend who is a power boater. Nice guy, just a little misguided. I am attempting to bring him over from the dark side.

Looking forward to the week-end.

North Star 32-3

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
RU In?

I apologize for being absent from this topic for a while. Been busy at work, working on the house doing a re fi and sailing and working on the boat.

First off I am fine with pitching in for the bandstand. I got a private message from Captain Don who will be sailing his E-26 over from Redondo on Wednesday the 6th as well. With that addition, here is the committed head count as I understand it so far.

Captain Don - E26, Gitana

Jeff Asbury - E27, Pride of Cucamonga

Sam Vickery - E32-3, North Star

Bill Upchurch - E3511, Golden Girl

Greg - E30+ - Regulus II

Glyn Judson - E31, Dawn Treader

Sven - 39-B, Serendipity

Martin King - E-31, Summer Wind

That makes Eight Boats so far.

I haven't seen confirmations from the following boats that we're interested earlier in the year:

"Voice of Reason" E-32
"Whisper" E-34-T
"MoonDance" E-35
"Laiva" E-38-1

For those of you going over on Wednesday May 6th I will be monitoring Channels 16 and 72.

I plan to sail across with Greg's E30+ - Regulus II
I have one committed crew member at the moment and I am waiting for a commitment from one other.
On one final note as always at Two Harbors, it's first come, first serve. That being said we may end up being a bit spread out.
Less than 4 weeks away now!
Peace Out for now.
Skipper Jeff
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Glyn Judson

Southwest Gathering.

Jeff, Our boat is the Dawn Treader. FYI, my cell phone number is 310.804.9198 if you or anyone else thought it necessary or convenient to contact me before or after arriving on the island. Glyn E31 hull #55, Marina del Rey CA

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Thanks Glyn, I added you boat's name to the list up above. I keyed you number into my cell. I will send you all a PM with my cell number back channel.

Beam Winds All!
