I always say, lets follow the money. Most anything can be "sold" to us in the guise of public safety. Unless there is enough money being made already to NOT ban something even if it is dangerous. Case in point, airbags in cars. I'm not denying that they make cars, much, much more safe, by a huge factor. But they also increase the costs of ownership and repair. I have a friend that owns a bodyshop, cars are routinely "totaled" simply because replacing the airbags is more than the value of the car. We all pay for that in our insurance rates. Yet we fail to have any comprehensive driving school programs anywhere in the country. Take a look at what the schooling requirements are in Germany and you will find that most every driver in the US would fail miserably. Driving schools that actually taught driving skills would PREVENT accidents in the first place. And lets not forget, lawyers always profit when there is damage to life and property.
How about cellphones? Here in RI there are NO laws preventing cellphone use while driving, no texting but a handheld is just fine. Study after study has shown this to be a huge cause of accidents yet people resist hanging up. I'm willing to guess the cell service providers are working hard behind the scenes as well to see that no law impedes their business. And lets not forget, lawyers always profit when there is damage to life and property.
Lead abatement companies profit heavily from any lead related legislation. Anyone want to guess if they push their agenda on politicians? Its a win-win for the politicos, they look like they are doing something and care, and the companies make bank. And lets not forget, lawyers always profit when there is damage to life and property.
You can say the same with most anything. Drugs illegal and otherwise are tightly controlled. There is money being made. It is expensive to build prisons, equip them and operate them. Its expensive to fund police forces and equip them too. The largest trade show in the country is the law enforcement and corrections show. They all dip into the State and Federal taxes for the billions needed to fight the "war on drugs" and its repercussions. You think anyone in this system wants a solution? You think they want to legalize anything? Yet tobacco and alcohol kill or help to kill untold thousands a year yet they are legal, and of course, heavily taxed. And lets not forget, lawyers always profit when there is damage to life and property.
The Gov't is about to retire the A10 Warthog which happens to be the most capable ground attack aircraft ever built. Its actually cheap to build and maintain by aircraft standards. The troops love these things as they provide unparalleled protection. So what is going to replace it? The Joint Strike Fighter. Yes, a very, very expensive jet that is much to fast and fragile to perform even 10% of what the A10 could do. Is that best for our troops? Or is that best for our Gov't, the businesses that are going to build the JSF, and the other countries that will BUY the JSF?
Yes, I'm incredibly cynical, but the world I live in increasingly makes less and less sense. I'd don't point the finger at either side of the political fence. They are both responsible for this, equally. I've taken to not reading the news or listening to the talking heads. "I'd rather be uninformed than misinformed" to quote Mr. Twain.