I have no issue with greed or naked self interest. I'm a business owner. I like profit. What I don't like is Gov't interference through assistance, bailouts, subsidies, etc. If a business does well, generally it benefits the owners, (shareholders), employees, and customers, etc. When a business fails it should be allowed to fail. The failure should affect the owners, (shareholders), employees, and customers. There is no such thing as "too big to fail". Businesses will take ever larger risks if they believe that they will be bailed out should something go afoul. If the decision makers in the firm broke the law, then jail them. If people lost their investments, that is the way it goes. Investing has risks. Thats what due diligence is for. If the returns sound to good to be true, they are. Greed is self regulating. When people take a risk and get burned, or jailed, that teaches a lesson. Bailing them out does not, it simply takes money from the people who made smart decisions and gives it to the stupid. And this is getting way to political.