Christian, my thoughts as you asked for suggestions: How much does your anchor rode weigh, both chain and rope? Is there any use for anchor and rode on the way home? Remove it, stow it midships somewhere so as not to shift, plug up water exits from Chain locker as mentioned, employ the empty...
“The straight line, a respectable optical illusion which ruins many a man.”
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
You made the right decision to say the least!
I think..not sure, but my 15 year old Johnson 2hp engine is plated made in Japan...perhaps Mercury, and all the other used to be American outboards are made in Japan as is Honda. Made in Japan excellent...made in China, boycott it!
Twin of of the best (kinda bias).......Except my mast and boom are flat black....Congradulations!!!
(Tried to upload a cell phone photo...but for the first time, said it was too large?)
Congratulations again Christian!
This quote seems to sum up what it takes to indulge in such an endeavor as you just completed for the 3rd time (I think); and at such a time in one's life when very few others dare to venture......also I have not a clue who wrote this piece, but is is very...
If ever there was an ageless team leader on this forum....who professes by example....its Christian Williams; September can't be here soon enough for me!
Oh how I wish a canal would be built from Lake Travis to the Gulf, so I could hook up with Christian by way of the Panama Canal.....ah, wishful thinking.
Bon Voyage Christian and may the winds and seas be favorable...both ways!
K2MSmith: I simply can't afford to throw $$ at someone else to do what aggravates me to do, but do it anyhow if I can't coerce my kiddos into it. No way getting around this job.
I mentioned this before....have used RejeX which was recommended to me by aviation mechanics long ago...used on my...
Yes a 3M foam adhesive tape, plenty strong; however, I followed up with a clear marine epoxy sealer over the tape, you can't see the sealer, it's in a groove..just my anal way of doing things. Installed 2 years problems.
I have purchased from Defender. Some time back their customer list was attacked by a foreign entity (which happens unfortunately across America daily)..Defender immediately sent all their customers a letter notifying credit cards may have been compromised...I followed up and mine was one of the...
Filkee: I tried resisting...but relented to can then open the ports when raining, open the ports when sun is shining, no one can see in and the breeze flows. Once installed, the crazing is not noticed from inside or out. Just an option....low cost easy way out to give more...