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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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Recent content by C.A. Fields

  1. C

    1982 Ericson 38 for sale Comox,B.C.

    Our 1982 Ericson 38 sailboat is reluctantly looking for new owners. Meticulously maintained and presently moored at a possibly transferable marina in Comox, B.C., she is a fast, clean and capable vessel who has been well loved and cared for by the second owners for the past 17 years...
  2. C

    Propane tanks for ericson 1988 35-3

    We have the two propane tanks in the aft seat of our E-38 that are probably very close in size to your 35-lll. I use a regular 11 pound steel tank times 2 and each one lasts us at least a month in the summer even using the bbq. I removed my CNG as well after using most of a 50 dollar bottle to...
  3. C

    Battery move

    The batteries that you have are probably 6 volt. Two in series to give you the 12 volts and then those two banks in parallel to give you twice the amperage. The only way you can use 3 batteries and still keep your 12 volts is to buy three 12 v batts and connect them in parallel. Cheers.
  4. C

    Holes in the TAFG

    Hi and Merry Christmas everyone. Any thoughts or experience out there regarding drilling holes in the triaxial force grid? Reason I'm asking, as you all know, it's very difficult to run cables or hoses forward and aft in the E-38 and I would like to run hydronic hoses from aft to the v-berth...
  5. C

    2016 Rendezvous Planning starts

    Rendezvous Hi Everyone and Merry Christmas too. As Wanda and I are heading to Alaska this May, Nimue will not be attending this year but if we were, we would vote Maple Bay. Where ever it's held I'm sure it'll be a wonderful time by great Vikings. Happy New Year All.
  6. C

    2015 Rendezvous

    Artwork Hi All, here's a quick revamp of our poster from last year at Maple Bay. I am not sure yet whether I will be able to make the event but I'm hoping. If you need the full photoshop file let me know. C.A. Fields
  7. C

    2015 Rendezvous

    Poster Sorry to take so long getting back regarding the poster that we did for the 2014 Rendezvous. Helga emailed me to let me know there had been and inquiry. Let me know what you want it to say and I can change the wording. I take it the lovely picture of Nimue is ok to keep? :) C.A.
  8. C

    New Control Cables

    Stop lever Firstly, when I rebuilt my E-38 in 2007 I used Lanacote on all my SS/aluminum mates and combinations and recently had to remove some bolts from my boom and they came out just like I'd installed them last week. The stuff is amazing. Secondly, I am wondering if any of you out there...
  9. C

    2014 Rendesvous Information

    Boat Information Sheet Attention all Vikings! We thought it might be a good idea to have the boats display a little info about themselves. Who owns them, home port, modifications made etc. To facilitate this, we have attached a Boat Information Sheet for you to download, complete and bring...
  10. C

    2014 Rendesvous Information

    T-Shirts last call Hi Everyone. I am submitting the order for the T-Shirts tomorrow, Thursday, June 5th at noon. If anyone is still interested then please email me at svnimue@gmail.com before the deadline. Thanks to Vivian who did all the research for obtaining the T's and taking all the...
  11. C

    2014 Rendesvous Information

    Hi Rez poster file Hi Loren, Yes, I have the full size JPG file and also the PSD photoshop file. The JPG is 3 megs and the PSD is 44 megs. I think the JPG file would be best for your purposes. I don't seem to be able to attach the full size file here so if you would like to send an email to...
  12. C

    WTB: 3 Ericson white logo stickers....

    Logos Hello from the snowy Canadian west coast. Do you have any more logos for sale? A couple of white ones would be great. Let me know and if so I'll paypal the money. Thanks, C.A. Fields
  13. C

    2014 Rendesvous Information

    Rendezvous poster Hi All, I'm inserting a 8.5 x 11 .jpg poster of the June rendezvous. Helga and I will be handing these out and posting them where ever we can to inform Vikings that might be interested in attending. Feel free, any of you readers, to print off a copy and post at your marina or...
  14. C

    Damp bulkhead base in wet locker of e38

    Wet locker dampness Thanks for the input Dave. I have attached a picture of the wet areas to see if that's what you were dealing with. Unfortunately, I have already replaced the hose to the aft tank and also had the tank out to repair the plastic water line to the valve manifold. I ended up...
  15. C

    Damp bulkhead base in wet locker of e38

    Wondering if anyone has run across this problem. I have a 82 e38 with continuous wet bulkhead bottoms inside the wet locker between the starboard settee and galley counter. It is where the teak sides of the locker meet the force grid areas. I have no leaks from the deck or deck/hull glassed...