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2015 Rendezvous

Date & Place Choices

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Member III
Blogs Author
Reservations made:

1. Old Salt Joseph, 1989 E34
2. Mark Koller and Vanessa, 1990 E38 "Island Time"
3. Loren Beach, 1988 Olson 34 "Fresh Air"
4. Bob Morrison, 1987 E34 "Terra Nova"
5. Stefan Michalowski, 1988 E34 "Talpa"
6. Harold and Jessie, 1985 E38 "Mischief Maker"
7. ?


Contributing Partner
North West Rendezvous

Hey everyone,

The reservation fee at Poulsbo is $5.00. It pays to sign up early as the July 4 weekend is incredibly popular and people reserve berths early (eg, the weekend before just to have the slip). So far, only the "Big boys" are signing up.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Hey everyone,

The reservation fee at Poulsbo is $5.00. It pays to sign up early as the July 4 weekend is incredibly popular and people reserve berths early (eg, the weekend before just to have the slip). So far, only the "Big boys" are signing up.

'Tis true, about the fee. I paid the $5. on my credit card.
I prefer this over the reservation system at Pt Townsend where they demanded $7./reservation, Up Front for ALL predicted/requested/estimated slips. I had to pay it all in advance and got back most of those fees in cash at the rendezvous, on the docks.

The Pt Hudson marina office ended up mixing in other boats with our group while putting some of our later arrivals over on another dock. While I was not terribly disappointed, I'll admit to being a tad miffed. They could have kept our boats all together if they had really wished to do so, IMHO.

Mind you, every port and marina will be somewhat different in how they deal with visiting groups of boats, but some are just a bit easier to deal with than others. And when all is said n done, our strongest and best memories are of the people we met!

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Contributing Partner
North West Rendezvous Choices

I have been on several cruises with various groups and the Port Hudson Marina treats all groups the same - badly. They mix reserved cruises and over nighters together. Place the cruisers on separate docks and generally don't give a D---. It's probably because they are the last stop before jumping off to the San Juans and they fill up regardless. With all the good marinas out there for cruises (Port Ludlow, Poulsbo, Anacortes, Friday Harbor, Port Orchard to name a few), Port Hudson is the bottom one on my list. This rendezvous is going to be a gas!


Member II
Hey, anything smaller than 34 feet allowed?

One more to add:

Ruth and Greg, 1987 E32-MKIII "Ruach" will be colliding with the F dock in space 44 sometime on Friday the 26th and slipping away at some point on Monday the 29th. We are noobs, so be gentle with us!:esad:


Contributing Partner
Colliding with Dock

Welcome Ruth and Greg!

We will put out some padding at the front of the finger for you. Even the "wizards" crash in sometimes. :0

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Slip Slidin' Away

Welcome Ruth and Greg!

We will put out some padding at the front of the finger for you. Even the "wizards" crash in sometimes. :0

And a "velkommen" from here also!

As for docking... our motto is "...any landing we can walk away from!"


ps: Remember last year when the kid at Maple Bay radio-remote-assigned us to a 30' slip way inside towards the head walk? I carefully docked our boat, with a foot to spare while turning in. The kid comes over with his portable vhf and sez something like "you are too long for that slip" and I say something like "well, our boat Is a 34 footer like I told you" and he sez Oops and asks us to move to a longer slip with more maneuvering room over on the other side of the dock. We do so, carefully. (!)
No harm, no foul.
The look on his face was priceless when he walked up and realized what he had initially created, though.
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Member III
Blogs Author

Just arrived in Poulsbo today. Here's my 38 in a 30 ft slip...


Probably heading out tomorrow or Monday. Off to the art walk now for free snacks and libations!



Member II
It sounds like a fabulous rendezvous is shaping up for 2015! We haven't been to Poulsbo, but have heard from many cruisers that it's a great place to visit.
We won't be able to join you this year as we are building a house, but wish all Vikings the very best and look forward to seeing the pics.
Loren, it was CA and Wanda who put together the poster last year. We are meeting them for coffee tomorrow and will ask them to get in touch re updates.
Have fun!
Helga and Joe


Member II
Ahoyi Vikings

Dawntreader is signed into Slip 52 . Looking forward to the Rendezvous as we couldn't make it last year. (SIGH--AND IT WAS ON OUR SIDE OF THE POND TOO! )

Cory B

Sustaining Member

We've got our reservation for slip F41 for Friday - Sunday.

Last time we made it to the Ericson Rendevous was 2005 in Port Towsend. There were two of us then, now there are four of us. Our boat also grew 3 feet. :egrin:
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Member III
Blogs Author
Reservations made:

1. Old Salt Joseph, 1989 E34
2. Mark Koller and Vanessa, 1990 E38 "Island Time"
3. Loren Beach, 1988 Olson 34 "Fresh Air"
4. Bob Morrison, 1987 E34 "Terra Nova"
5. Stefan Michalowski, 1988 E34 "Talpa"
6. Harold and Jessie, 1985 E38 "Mischief Maker"
7. Ruth and Greg, 1987 E32-MKIII, "Ruach"
8. Rudy, 1983 E35-MKIII, "Dawn Treader"
9. Cory Bolton, 1984 E35-MKIII, "Balancing Act"
10. ?


Member III
Blogs Author
Below is the marina map with our known slips so far. I’m not sure what slips the following folks are in:

1. Old Salt Joseph, 1989 E34
2. Loren Beach, 1988 Olson 34 "Fresh Air"
3. Bob Morrison, 1987 E34 "Terra Nova"
4. Stefan Michalowski, 1988 E34 "Talpa"

View attachment marina map.pdf



Contributing Partner
Poulsbo Slip #


Terra Nova is in slip # 50. Strange, the distances on the dock chart are in km's and the heights in feet. Maybe a dual citizen made it up.
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Contributing Partner
Dented Helms


Between the 34-2's and the 35-3's the "Swedish" Ericson's are being totally overwhelmed. Those Carbon Fiber Helms better be very good!

Mark, Yell when you need some help. I have no clue what to do so we can stumble on together.

C.A. Fields


I too believe that it's time to take the proverbial 'bull by the horns' and get a reservation nailed down. Once there is a place and date set, a lot of NW Ericson and Olson owners can start to plan their summer around it.
That would be us, among others! :egrin:

Their calendar still shows the weekend of June 26 - 28 booked for the USPS (US Power Squadron), so we can presume that they can provide for more than one group at a time? What about providing us with shore side gathering area?
If they can accommodate us, go ahead and reserve it.

I believe that Bob in Pt Angeles (logs on this site as "supersailor") can assist you, but like you he does not have time to be the chief.

I will help as much as I can at a distance, but I gotta say that's really GREAT to have someone on scene to visit the marina a time or two and just be handy to assemble information and ideas.

BTW, I wonder if the folks that created that awesome poster last year might be able to update it?

And, wait, there's more. Just today I found out about a YC member with one of those trick embroidery sewing machines that can put words and images on T shirts.... gotta speak to her about graphics and pricing...

Thanks again,

Sorry to take so long getting back regarding the poster that we did for the 2014 Rendezvous. Helga emailed me to let me know there had been and inquiry.
Let me know what you want it to say and I can change the wording. I take it the lovely picture of Nimue is ok to keep? :)



Member III
T shirts

Hi all, are we going to do T shirts this year? Just curious.
Harold, S/V Mischief :devil: Maker


Member II
2105 Rendezvous

Unfortunately, we cannot come by boat this year. Looks like I will be recovering from cataract surgery so my wife and I are driving up. We have made reservations at the Guesthouse Inn on NE 7th Ave. which is supposedly close to dining, shopping and the mall.
Ericson 33 J. P. Foolish