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    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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2014 Rendesvous Information


Member II
:egrin: It's official! The 2014 Ericson Rendezvous will take place on June 28 and 29 at Maple Bay Marina! We have guest speakers and entertainment planned and, of course, the much beloved pot luck dinner on Saturday night.

Vikings are encouraged to contact the friendly folks at Maple Bay Marina as soon as possible to reserve a spot. Moorage is $1.40/foot and power is $6/night for 30 amp and $4/night for 15 amp. The marina has a dock dedicated to guest moorage and it is our goal to fill every spot on that dock with Ericsons!

So grab your credit card and give the marina a call toll free at 866-746-8482 to make your reservation or email them at

For those of you not yet acquainted with Maple Bay Marina, you will be pleasantly surprised at its idyllic setting and friendly atmosphere. For those who have had the good fortune of experiencing the marina's hospitality, it will be like returning home. The marina has all the services you need - fuel, chandlery, coffee shop, grocery store, laundry, showers and The Shipwreck Pub! It is located on Vancouver Island approximately 15 nautical miles north of Port Sidney via Sansum Narrows.

We look forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones! See you in Maple Bay!

Helga, Joe (In Sync) Wanda and C.A. (Nimue)

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
That's great news!! Count us in!! We will make our reservation and will be there. The Gulf Islands are so scenic and Maple Bay Marina is quaint and beautiful--a great choice for our 2014 rendezvous. Navigation through the Gulf Islands may look a bit complex on the charts if you haven't been there, but everything is well marked and it's much easier than the charts make it look.

We hope lots of Ericsons and their owners can make it this year!

Please keep us posted on details as they are developed.

Thanks for your work to make this happen for us!

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Member II
2014 Rendezvous is on!

That's great news!! Count us in!! We will make our reservation and will be there. The Gulf Islands are so beautiful and Maple Bay Marina is quaint and beautiful--a great choice for our 2014 rendezvous. Navigation through the Gulf Islands may look a bit complex on the charts if you haven't been there, but everything is well marked and it's much easier than the charts make it look.

We hope lots of Ericsons and their owners can make it this year!

Please keep us posted on details as they are developed.

Thanks for your work to make this happen for us!


Thanks for the support Frank! We look forward to seeing you there.

As you mention, the charts can make navigation through the Gulf Islands seem complex to those who have not ventured there before, and yet the reality is that it is quite easy. If anyone has any concerns or questions about navigating through these waters, please post your concerns on this forum and we will be more than happy to answer all questions and ease your mind.

We'll continue to post details on this forum as we move along.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Focusing on the date and location

At the suggestion of the volunteers for this year's gathering, I moved the main thread info to its own new-title thread, and closed the former polling thread.

Hope this is OK with the NW vikings. I feel that we are now at the point of needing to focus on the actual event.

I also hope that someone can get a "press release" out to this fine magazine soon.

Note that there are relatively long lead times for most print media, like 48 North. The editor at 48 North was quite helpful to me last year in composing a writeup, I should add.

Marina Info:

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Member II
Made our reservations today!

Jewel is going to be there with her faithful crew, Julie, Dan, Bosun and Ava. (Bosun and Ava are the canine watchstanders.) See you in June!

Dan & Julie
E28+ Jewel


Member II

Jewel is going to be there with her faithful crew, Julie, Dan, Bosun and Ava. (Bosun and Ava are the canine watchstanders.) See you in June!

Dan & Julie
E28+ Jewel

Looking forward to having you join us! Let us know if you need any info re clearing customs etc. (We have been away on vacation and are just getting back to checking emails etc. now. Yup. A vacation with limited internet access - bliss!)

Helga and Joe


Member II
2014 Rendezvous Prizes!

Congratulations Jewel! You are the winner for the first U.S. boat to register! You didn't know there was a prize, you say? Oh yes. We have prizes for all sorts of things - the oldest boat to attend the rendezvous, the newest boat to attend the rendezvous, the 5th boat to register...or was that the 10th?...or just the next boat to register? I can't remember - but we do have prizes for registration, so grab your credit card and give Maple Bay Marina a call toll free at 866.746.8482 to make your reservation or email them at Your registration could be the next lucky one!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in June! :egrin:


Member II
Whoo hoo! Looking at the charts and planning the trip now!

:egrin: So far the plan is a night at Sucia, a couple of nights at Stuart and then across to Bedwell to check in, spend the night and then over to Maple Bay. After that we will probably go to Salt Spring for a day or two and then back to Friday Harbor to check in and then probably Fisherman's Bay on the way back to Bellingham. Can't wait!!!


Contributing Partner

Count Terra Nova in. It may only be Bob as 1st grandchild may interfere with Rae Ann. Timing is all important and everyone knows how that goes. Rae Ann also has her 50th high school reunion just before the rendezvous so the schedule is tight. Its all great fun!

Bob Morrison
Terra Nova E-34

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
We had earlier stated our intent to attend the 2014 Rendezvous, but hadn't gotten around to making our reservations yet at the Maple Bay Marina. But today, the snowiest day all winter for us here in Nanaimo with a foot of snow on the ground (never seen this before!), we made our reservation. I tried to phone the marina, but they have a power outage due to the weather, so I sent an email with our reservation request.

Does making our reservation on the snowiest day ever qualify us for an Ericson Rendezvous prize?? :egrin:

We are looking forward to the Rendezvous, and to seeing you all there! Now it's time to go check on our boat and brush the snow off! :0


C.A. Fields

Rendezvous poster

Hi All,
I'm inserting a 8.5 x 11 .jpg poster of the June rendezvous. Helga and I will be handing these out and posting them where ever we can to inform Vikings that might be interested in attending. Feel free, any of you readers, to print off a copy and post at your marina or favorite marine store.

I'm not sure how good an image you will get from this if you copy it from the forum so send me an email if you want me to send you the full sized JPG.

Way to go Frank! It's still snowing here in Courtenay and I just came back from de-icing Nimue. There must have been a foot and a half on the house!


  • EricsonRendezvous.jpg
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Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
That poster is very cool. You guys are doing a great job of organizing this rendezvous and getting us all excited about attending. I hope we have a great turn out!


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Just one question...

The poster is indeed nice looking. Great design work!

Do you have a higher resolution version available?
This file is only 92kb (display picture is 1.0 MB) and measures 4.6 X 6 inches.
When enlarged it pixilates badly.

It would be great to have one closer to a standard page of 8.5 X 11, so I could print it out and post it in our clubhouse.

Thanks much,

C.A. Fields

Hi Rez poster file

Hi Loren,

Yes, I have the full size JPG file and also the PSD photoshop file. The JPG is 3 megs and the PSD is 44 megs. I think the JPG file would be best for your purposes. I don't seem to be able to attach the full size file here so if you would like to send an email to I'll fire back an email with the attached large poster file.

Anyone else that is interested in having the poster file full size to print and display at your club/marina please send me your email and I'll send it off to you as well.



Member II
Rendezvous Happy Birthday!

Was your boat born in 1974? Ours was. There is a note from Will, scrawled on the bulkhead in the cockpit locker "Completed by Will, July 4, 1974". That means that this year is her 40th birthday! We thought there would be no better way to celebrate the occasion than with our fellow Vikings at the Maple Bay Rendezvous.

If your boat was also built in 1974, and you will be attending the rendezvous, then please let us know. We are ordering a monster birthday cake and it would be great to have as many boat names on it as possible. Add your 1974 boat to the Happy Birthday! party list.

Looking forward to seeing everyone,

Helga and Joe

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Well congratulations!!

So our boat was built in 1984, and will be 30 years old this year--does that count? :)

Frank & Karen
"Morning Mist"
1984 Ericson 30+
Nanaimo, BC


Member II
Rendezvous birthdays

Well congratulations!!

So our boat was built in 1984, and will be 30 years old this year--does that count? :)

Frank & Karen
"Morning Mist"
1984 Ericson 30+
Nanaimo, BC

Ya know what Frank and Karen? I think that's a great idea! Let's make it a Happy Birthday! celebration for all Ericsons that are celebrating a decade birthday. We'll add "Morning Mist" to the cake!

Helga and Joe

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
That's awesome! We are both really looking forward to the Rendezvous weekend!! It would be great to add a bunch more boats to the cake and have a great turnout!


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
That's awesome! We are both really looking forward to the Rendezvous weekend!! It would be great to add a bunch more boats to the cake and have a great turnout!

Having a boat that's only about 25 or 26 years old, does that rate a... cup cake? Or a scone?



Member II
2014 Rendezvous

Having a boat that's only about 25 or 26 years old, does that rate a... cup cake? Or a scone?


Sorry Loren. We only do cake. You'll have to wait until 30 rolls around. But we'd love to see you and Kathy make it up for the rendezvous!