
  1. DIY Winter Boat Cover, Part 1

    E32-3 DIY Winter Boat Cover, Part 1

    At this time last year, I was absorbed in making a new winter cover. Our old custom cover (shown above as it looked a few years ago), was commissioned in 2005 by the PO at a cost of $2,500. Eighteen years was quite a long run—well worth the investment. Unfortunately, the company stopped making...
  2. How To Sew Fabric Winch Covers

    E32-200 How To Sew Fabric Winch Covers

    Summary: I bought a fancy sewing machine and made winch covers out of Sunbrella canvas by following a how-to video from Sailrite. It costs some time and money at the front end, but this small project was doable (about 3-4 hours of sewing time in my novice state) and it’s nice to have another...
  3. C

    Does anyone have a full canvas enclosure on an E29?

    I've recently began developing a new skill. I have bought a walking foot sewing machine and built a Bimini top with help from Sailrite's excellent building a Bimini DVD and it was so much fun I don't want to stop there. I would like to go all the way with a full enclosure and am wondering if...
  4. S

    E28 Binimi

    Hi, new to the list. I have a 28 Ericson in Sandusky Ohio and am in the need of a Bimini. Ithought I would check to see if anyone else has purchased a Bimini here or has suggestions for one for this boat. I've looked at the big box sporting goods stores and the price is tempting compared to the...
  5. steven

    cost of canvas

    I'm due for a new mainsail cover and new dodger canvas (frame is fine). Haven't bought canvas in awhile, so expecting sticker shock. Anyone have a sense - ballpark - on about what these run? Thanks --Steve
  6. P

    How to clean the green mildew stains of marine canvas???

    Does anyone have a home remedy for cleaning the yukky green mildew stains off of sunbrella sail covers, dodgers, winch covers etc.? I know there are 3M and other "Marine products" for this purpose, but I though someone may have a secret concoction made up of household cleaners that...
  7. P

    Algae / Mold stains on Dodger Canvas

    The navy blue canvas dodger on my E 28+ has some greenish stains from mold or algae ( Pacific NW). I've been able to eliminate the stains from the steering wheel cover and mainsail cover by removing and washing them. I would rather try to treat the Dodger canvas without removing it if...
  8. Shadowfax

    Water Proofing Old Canvas

    My Bimini is getting on in age and it has started to leak in any kind of serious rain. The fabric itself looks good but it doesn't seem to hold back rain water anymore. I bought a gallon of the West Marine water proofing stuff and gave it a couple of coats with limited success. I've also...
  9. Sven

    Great source for canvas fittings

    Our canvas guy just told us about ... ... for SS fittings. They carry other stuff as well, having to do with canvas, but the SS fittings were the only things I had recent pricing experience with and they are really inexpensive ! They charge $8-9 for ea. a...
  10. S

    Alameda or East Bay Boat Canvas

    Would love to find a Mom & Pop's Canvas shop (small independent local). Close to Alameda isn't required, but want to stay in East bay. Any recs?
  11. jacksonkev

    canvas shop recommendation

    hello all, i'm about to replace all of my canvas covers on my e29. i wanted to know if someone could recommend a reputable internet shop. thanks
  12. Tom Metzger

    Canvas shop

    Where do you guys get your canvas work done in a timely manner? My son needs some serious work on his dodger and Miss Vicky in Rock Hall seems to be too busy.
  13. G

    'Ericson 35' cushions & canvas available, 15 yrs old, off 1975 35' MkII

    Beige neutral cloth top/vinyl underside - intact cushions for 1970's 'Ericson 35'. These are off my 1975 'Ericson 35' MkII; I've changed them for a different color. Rip/Tear free; a bit dusty so they should be washed. Zippers need to be lubed. Location: my office in San Pedro, California...
  14. G

    Canvas hatch covers

    At the beginning of the season I had JSI ( make two foam backed Sunbrella hatch covers for the Lewmar hatches I installed a couple of years ago. The intent was to keep the expensive new hatches from crazing like the old ones. They look great and fit perfectly (you have to send...