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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. T

    New England Cruise

    So it looks like our internet connection is working on Deleware bay. Left annapolis last night around 9pm and had a great sail up the bay to the canal. we are now just inside ship john shoals motoring in light air trying to avoid some adverse current. About 30 miles from cape may then outside to...
  2. treilley

    Free Tickets to New England Boat Show This Weekend

    First one to Email me via private email gets them(2). I have picked up a cold and have decided to stay home and mend. BVIs in 3 weeks! The tickets are good today, Sat. or Sun. I have them in email form that I can forward to you and you print them. They have mine and my wife's name on them...
  3. treilley

    New England Boat Show

    Has anyone been to the NE boat show in Boston? It is coming up in Feb. and was wondering if it was worth going to. The only big purchases I have left this year are Harken winches and Blue Sea panels. Unfortunately niether of them are listed as vendors. Maybe a retailer will be there with...
  4. T

    Cruising Guide for New England?

    So I am starting to plan a New England Cruise for next summer on Escape Plan. Thinking I will go non stop up to Falmouth, then have the wife and kids fly up and take a week to 10 days to cruise west, maybe 2 weeks if we can swing the time. Plan to end up at Sandy Hook NJ, maybe leave the boat...
  5. Chris Miller

    New England V-100 7/16ths shorts...

    I might have some shorts of New England V-100 7/16ths available soon... Anybody interested? Not sure of exactly what lengths, but I might be able to work the order to fit a specific need, or I might just have an extra 50' piece or something. It'll be white with a tracer. It'd be about...
  6. J

    New Member, New Owner, New England

    Hi all, I'm dropping a note to introduce myself as a new forum member, and, as of last Saturday, a new E38 owner too! First of all, thank you all for sharing your knowledge and insight here - this forum is definitely a strong selling point for Ericson ownership. I'm pretty new to sailing...
  7. O

    New England Crusing Guide Recommendations

    We are looking for a good cruising guide for New England (N. MA, NH, and Maine). Does anyone have recommendations? Looking for good anchoring spots, general info. and exploration information. We have a new boat and are looking forward to some long weekend exploratory trips this summer. Thanks.
  8. C

    New England Rendezvous?

    Are there any New England Vikings interested in a rendezvous? I know we don't have quite as many of the pretty girls on this coast as there are on the left coast, but still, I imagine there are a few of you out there that would like to meet up? Maybe Isle of Shoals? Boston Harbor Islands? Maybe...