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ericson 27

  1. K

    Wanted: E27 Companion Way Hatch

    It's a long shot.. but if anyone has one available, please let me know! I would be interested in the fore hatch as well. I'm in Everett, WA, but willing to pay for shipping.
  2. A

    Ericson 27 wanted. San Francisco.

    ISO well loved and cared for Ericson 27. I’d like to be her next caretaker, maybe repower her with electric. Sausalito, CA. Thank you :)
  3. I

    Looked at an Ericson 27 - things I noticed. Feedback appreciated

    I went to see an Ericson 27 on the hard with the mast stepped so I could see inside and out but not the entire mast or rigging fwiw. I took some pictures of things I was concerned with but don't know how big of a deal they are. Any feedback/thoughts appreciated. The first thing I noticed...
  4. S

    1974 ericson 27 for sale

    Ericson 27, 8 hp Honda outboard, cabin heater, chart plotter, updated electrical system. Good condition needs TLC. Donated to Sea Scouts. Asking 6000.00 offer.
  5. H

    New E27 Owner

    Hi all, I am the new owner of a 1972 Ericson 27, hull number 258. I purchased the boat recently in near-original condition as the 3rd owner. Much credit is due to the 1st owner who kept the boat in great shape for 44 years. I have put about 100 miles on the boat so far and have been really...
  6. W

    Rebuildable Palmer P-60 pulled from E27

    I am in the middle of a total refit of Silver Maiden, my 1974 E27 that I have had since about 1984. As part of that refit I pulled the P-60 with the intention of sending it to a fellow in California that rebuilds them, but I stumbled upon a NEW Yanmar 1GM10 for less than the cost of the P-60...
  7. D

    FOR SALE: Ericson 27 - $5,999 OBO

    FOR SALE: Ericson 27 - PRICE DROP - $4,999 OBO <tbody> Name: Dazz Make/Model: Ericson 27 Year: 1976 LOA: 27ft Beam: 9ft. Draft: 3.92ft Displacement: 6,600 lbs </tbody> Dazz is a well-cared-for cruiser located in Port Washington, NY. She recently completed a substantial re-fit. She has...
  8. S

    Facnor Furler question

    I have an Ericson 27 with a Facnor TI 130 furler from Merrimanand wonder if anyone out there has the same and has any ideas about maintenance tips. I've tried to find this particular furler on the Facnor page and even written them but no answer yet. I think it's just too old. Do the bearings...
  9. S

    1979 Ericson 27 for free from a friend who is moving... Good deal?

    This would be my first sailboat but I am pretty handy. The boat needs some work like the PO had a leak professionally fixed and had the driveshaft removed to fix but it would not align when they tried to reinstall due to the motor mounts being corroded. Has new alternator but he also stated the...
  10. M

    Ericson 27 Parts For Sale

    Hi All, I am parting out my Ericson 27. The following is a partial list of items. I will have pictures of everything soon: - Main Sail (New from Precision in 2016) - Jib (older #1) - Mast & Boom - Newly Rebuilt Forward Hatch - Refinished Companionway Hatch - Tiller Handle - Newly Built Teak...
  11. cworley

    Trouble Removing Edson Steering Wheel

    Hello - New Ericson 27 owner, hoping to refinish the steering wheel, but can't get it off. Anyone have any suggestions? Was able to remove washer, nut, and tension bolt. It has a key, so not sure if the key has to be removed or the wheel will slide off, with some force and anti-corrosion spray...
  12. C

    First Boat - 1975 Ericson 27ft

    Hey guys, First post! Woo! As an introduction, I am in my late 20s and just finished up my ASA certifications. I have been chartering boats but am itching to get my own so i can alter it however i like. I take a lot of pride in ownership. My budget is on the cheap side but I understand quality...
  13. M

    Looking for an E27 in Southern California

    I am looking for an e27 in Southern California, in decent shape with tiller and (preferably) inboard diesel. I live in San Diego but I am comfortable bringing it down the coast as long as she is seaworthy. I have previously owned an e26 and e25+ but have been without boat for a couple years do...
  14. Eric Gordon

    Dodger for ericson 27

    I have a complete dodger for sale. This just got removed from my new Ericson 27. I find it too restrictive during sailing. The outside cover is slightly faded, but the rest is in good shape. The frame is in excellent condition. Local pickup in Marina del Rey, CA
  15. Schoolboyheart

    Making a trundle on an ericson 27

    I have been looking for someone who could tell me how they did this but couldn't wait any longer so here it is. just as a preface i haven't completed this yet and plan to use teak instead of the pine you are about to see. To get an idea of how this function without spending $300 on wood i went...
  16. S

    Ericson 29 v.s. Ericson 27

    Hello! Very new here... I am in the market for a small liveaboard sailboat during college and after. I am living in the SF Bay area and I came across an E27 and an E29... from what I could tell, there isn't much difference. My real question is, is one significantly better than the other...
  17. Scyph

    Recoring or repairing the deck on the bow of an Ericson 27

    I just recently bought an Ericson 27 at a rock bottom price. She has a huge soft spot on the bow and ripped-out cleats. My neighbors suspect that the core on the bow is rotten and needs replacement. I messed a little with the cleat holes. They are patched over with shoddy patches (duct...
  18. C

    Ericson 27 for Sale........................

    I saw this Ericson 27 for sale ($6,000) and thought I would pass along the link: http://www.boatinglist.com/details-FOR-SALE----1972-Ericson-27-Foot-Sailboat- Take care, Chris