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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info


  1. B

    Glad to have E.Y.C. to help me.

    I was glad to see that the sight is being kept open. Whoever is responsible deserves kudos for honouring the committment of responsibilty and club spirit to the many Ericson sailors. I personally am greatful; I am a new sailor, I have been sailing for just two years, and the proud owner of...
  2. P

    Why Should Pacific Seacraft Support EY.c?

    Pacific Seacraft bought EY.c to maintain the sites existence. The seller needed to sell it. I would appreciate any thoughts about how PSC can make EY.c beneficial to PSC as well as Ericson owners. Gene
  3. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: FAQs

    EY.c Site Status FAQs - As of December 22nd, 2004 - Instructions: These are answers to similar questions lots of people are asking me right now. Please take a moment and review these questions to see if any are yours. Then, go to the following announcement(s) and threads...
  4. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: All Other Issues

    This is the place to discuss this site generally; what you think of it; what you would like out of the new site. Or, what concerns you have - or what makes you angry or frustrated about all this. Please feel free to air anything here that is relevant to the operation, organizational...
  5. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: Toward a National Ericsons Owers Association?

    Here's yet another good question: Assuming costs are kept very nominal - would you like to see the formation of a "National Ericson Owners Association"? Would you involve yourself in it to whatever degree if it was formed? Lots of people have been calling for this - and it's actually not...
  6. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: Would you pay for a site like EY.c?

    EY.c Future: What would you pay for a site like EY.c? Here's another good question: If EY.c were a fee-based site - and you had to pay some small amount annually, how much would you be willing to pay? This assumes that the site's expenses would be fully covered. From the time I created...
  7. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: Is EY.c a 'useful' site? How could we improve it?

    When I created this site, I did so from a need that I felt the Ericson Community had: to have a single repository of information that was useful for the existing community - but also for prospective owners. That was four years ago. Now, there is a considerable amount of information on this...
  8. M

    Where's EYC?

    Did anyone else experience the same black hole that I did over the last few days? EYC just disappeared off the 'net. At first I was told that I didn't have the correct "permissions" to access the site. Then, a few days later, my browser would just spin trying to load it up. It would finally...
  9. Sean Engle

    Last Word: EY.c Change of Ownership

    For those of you who have not heard, I've sold EY.c to Pacific Seacraft Corporation, and have now turned it over to them. All email queries, etc. will be directed to them from now on. If you need to reach me seperately, please do do by emailing me at: seanengle@gmail.com Thanks again for...
  10. Sean Engle

    EY.c Information Exchange Upgrade!

    The EY.c Information Exchange has been upgraded to version 2.00. There are many new features of the new version, including: - Blisteringly fast MySQL based backend database - Every aspect of the interface can be edited with the comprehensive templates system - Powerful database-driven...