I'm looking for hinges to replace our current ones on the engine access doors. Specifically, I'm looking for hinges that will replace the current ones and let us lift the doors off.
The current hinges are screwed into the doors from behind and that's the rub. The only hinges I've found...
Being a newbie at cruising (recently purchased a 27 footer), I'm wondering what daily passages I could expect to make (assuming decent weather) from Waukegan, IL to say Sturgeon Bay, WI. I'd take a sheltered harbor nightly to get rest and also seek safety.
I'm thinking:
Waukegan, IL -->...
On the second Saddleback College Seamanship cruise for the Spring 2006 class, MST 214B and 215, the Ericson 28 Half Moon was dismasted when the forestay broke. Best estimate of the cause is that the jib halyard had been wrapped around the top of the forestay for some time making the sail...
It sure was great to meet so many Ericson owners at the raft-up last wknd! One thing I was asking people about was if a group wanted to go down to Half Moon Bay sometime soon. I think there was some interest...
How about sometime in September. I think the only weekend that might NOT work is...
I still have a 1/2 gallon of Micron CSC left over from last year. Anyone know of a reason why I shouldn't use it up when painting the bottom this year, i.e. does it go "bad"? I looked at it and the pigment is sitting under a coating of oil and seems like it just needs to be stirred up.
Greetings.. I'm a new 84 E35-3 owner. One of the conditions of my better half is onboard refrigeration. The boat has the standard two iceboxes in the galley. I found the fridge OEM wiring harness for AC and DC in the SB cockpit locker. I can only assume the condenser goes in there...