After a delay due to a record-setting February ice storm, and another lost week in April when the trucking company changed their schedule, we were ready to move out and launch on April 14.
It was a Sunny day, literally and figuratively. :)
The truck backed into the shop and used his hydraulic...
I'm still debating this one, but hope to make up my mind in the next week or so. Early = less on land maintenance, more sailing! Late means a couple of tweaks might make for better comfort. Still working on the list of priority projects...
Northpoint (Winthrop Harbor, IL) still has ice in the dock basin!
What's up with that? I'm not scheduled to launch until May 23.
At least the weather is heating up, and I've still got a few good weekends to work on my to-do list.
Forgive for gloating but this is the first time I had seen "Ruby" in the water. She was splashed yesterday and I rushed over early from work to see her. I bought her on the hard, no sea trial, just a survey and based on the knowledgeable input on the sailing characteristics by other E38 owners...
Ok bought a hard walker bay like 8 foot dinghy for my E27. I have it upside down on the deck right now. I am looking for input on how others carry, tow, launch etc... without breaking their backs preferably. It is pretty awkward, but i do not really favour the idea of towing it all of...