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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

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    March Meeting Info

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  1. G

    Universal 5432 - Parts and fuel lift pump with primer handle

    Just spent some time at my local Kubota parts dealer. Learned the Universal 5432 is based on the Kubota V5101 also used in the Kubota L345 Tractor. Most engine components are available direct from Kubota parts dealer, at a much reduced cost than many marine supply alternatives. <?xml:namespace...
  2. F

    Need advice on electric fuel lift pump

    Hi, I have read the various posts on these pumps, but still need some expert advice, please. I want to replace the electric fuel lift pump on our Universal 5416 16 hp diesel engine. The original is a Facet 574 A cylindrical pump, about 4 inches high and about 2 inches in diameter with the...
  3. S

    Universal 18 electric lift pump - E28+ - 1981

    Does anyone know the specs for the electric fuel lift pump option for the Universal 18? I would like to have a spare pump (the current looks original) on hand and am not sure if any "generic" pump would work or if there are specific pressure/flow requirements.
  4. bayhoss

    Electric fuel pump / lift pump

    Hello everyone. It's time to replace the orginal fuel pump for my M12. Anyone out there that has a good source the help would be warmly recieved. NAPA has a pump for about $50.00 the pressure range is 4# - 7# I think the orginal is 6#-8#. Anyone ever use one? Best, Frank
  5. ron7546

    Garhauer motor lift on (crowded) E27 stern

    Anyone have any experience or info on mounting a Garhauer motor lift on the stern or transom of anE27. Ron "Bluenote"
  6. T

    Electric Lift Pump for 5432

    So I'm thinking I want to carry a spare electric fuel pump for my New England cruise but I can justify spending $160-$260 for a direct replacement Facet pump. Knock on wood the original pump seems to be holding up just fine but its one of those things that if it goes I will be engineless. Short...
  7. J

    35-II tall rig - Topping Lift Measurment

    Can anyone out there save me the trouble of going to the boat for a measurement? I'm going to replace the topping lift and wondering what the measurement would be. I'll take an educated guess from anyone and build in a few feet for error. ;) How long (and how thick) a line would I need for...
  8. L

    Running Topping Lift Line Aft

    I've got a rope clutch slot open and am thinking about running the topping lift line back to the cockpit. I can't find any info in the Ericson 35-3 specs or manual about the length of the line for the topping lift running internally in the boom and cleated at the boom just forward of the exit...
  9. M

    Forespar Nova Lift - OB Motor Hoist

    Forespar Nova Lift - OB Motor Hoist - SOLD! Hi All, SORRY THIS ITEM HAS BEEN SOLD TO rwthomas1 !!! I'm selling my virtually brand new Forespar Nova Lift. It is sold at Defender, click here, for $396.00. I've upgraded the block to a Harken, with ball bearings, and it has better and...
  10. N

    E32-3 Dinette Table Lift Strut

    Well here is one I’m happy with. And the whole project only cost me $25. With 86 of the 109 things on my E32-3 to do list Done I am getting to many of what I call “Optional Upgrades”. The fun stuff. Now we found the Dinette table awkward to lower and raise which we do a lot when cruising. So I...
  11. H

    Spinnaker Topping Lift Opinions

    My spinnaker rig has this type of block attached to the mast with a strap eye: To avoid chafe, I've determined that the best way to "store" the block is to run a messenger line in place of the topping lift to avoid UV damage and prevent the block from banging around up there. Is this the...
  12. treilley

    E35-III mast lift point

    Can ayone tell me the point along the mast to lift it out of the boat? I would like to keep it a little bottom heavy so as to keep it upright once clearing the partner. My YC just installed a nice, new jib boom rig for stepping and unstepping masts. This will be a major money saver as I can...
  13. C

    Fuel lift pump Vs Primary fuel filter height

    I recently had a problem getting all of the air out of the fuel system :boohoo: for the engine to run reliably after cleaning the fuel tank and replacing the filters. It would run for a while and then stall out after a power drop. When I got a mechanic to look at it, he turned the lift pump on...
  14. R

    Boomkicker vs. Topping lift?

    Hi, guys, can anyone share personal experience - is it worth a trouble to replace an original topping lift with a Boomkicker or some form of a rigid vang? Thanks in advance, Stanly
  15. B

    E-25 Topping Lift

    Hello all: My E-25 has the topping lift connecting to the split backstay. This can be pretty inconvienent at times especially if needing to drop the mainsail in preparation for a storm. Are any of you using a different setup? If so how do you like it and what was the difficulty/cost of...
  16. R

    Removing topping lift on E-30+

    I started work today on commissioning my E-30+ (purchased post-season last fall) for the new season. I noticed that the filament lines for the Dutchman system were in decent shape, but like many things, would eventually need to be replaced. The problem is that I couldn't figure out how I...
  17. J

    Water lift muffler

    I own a E35 MKII, 1970; and I have replaced the old engine with a newer Yanmar 3 GMD. I was wondering what some of the other owners had for a water lift muffer? My engine is located in the saloon setee. Any suggestions would be greatlt appreciated. Thank you! JM.