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First thing to buy if you put in a shower is too get a 100% Nylon shower curtain, we got ours at one of those bed & bath stores. They dry fast, do not mold, light weight and tuck in where you want them for storage. Do not buy plastic whatever you do. I made the shower curtain holder/rod...
My locker goes all the way to the bilge and is open to the engine (removed by PO) compartment. Needless to say, if you throw something in there, it goes a long. way. down.
Can anyone send along pics and designs of the original locker compartment config or any useful modifications?
I have never used a computer very much, but I am going to start. I am posting some pictures of my E-39B that I bought 4 years ago. I have had lots of pictures taken but never got into posting things. That is going to change. She sat in Baltimore, Maryland for many, many years next to the Dominos...
Hi folks,
I am in th process of installing my Espaar furnace in my E27. This has been a frustratingly long, on-going project. And there is a lot more to do, but as the project progresses I will post additional pictures. :egrin:
Dave H
Oops, I put the project under Community_Picture...
I have a 4-bow bimini frame looking to go on an E39. Problem is the huge cockpit. Canvas guy says to cover the cockpit would make the boat look like a covered wagon, and would require a 5th bow.
To all the E39 owners (or previous owners): Can you share any photos of your boat with your...
1980 E30+ for sale, clean and well equiped asking $23.5, all offers considered. Lying Perkins Cove, Ogunquit Maine. Pictures attached, email or call 603-738-4441 for more details.
I would (eventually) like to set up a reefing system with lines that run back to the cockpit. I don't mind going up to the mast to hook the luff cringle, but would like a second crew person to be able to run the halyard, topping lift, and reef outhaul / leech cringle lines from the cockpit...
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Here's some pics of the plugs I was referring to. I checked for water again this weekend, there was very little. My first thought was maybe this was some sort of water ballast system. If anyone knows exactly...
To all- I recently purchased a trailer for my 25. I am going to have to do some slight modifactions to seat the boat properly. What I would like is some pictures of existing trailers that rest E-25CB's. The views that I prefer are empty trailer shots of the bunks/rollers from the front and...
I was wondering where we can find the actual pictures this website shows of the boats each time you come on to the website. The photos are excellent examples of the various Ericson boats, sailing, docked, etc. Interestingly from looking at the photos I've seen some sail configurations...
This is quite interesting.... We bought an Ericson 27 about a year ago at a lien sale-excellent deal! Anyway, while we were cleaning up and running new wiring through the port lazerette (I think that's what the storage area under the seat in the cockpit is called), our son found two pictures...
I really like the new pictures added on the opening page Sean. Are they new or am I just starting to appreciate them now? That is those nice shiny boats and all.