
  1. MrChristopher

    Ericson Document E30+ electrical plan, schematic. Redrawn and color coded. A

    This is a cleaned-up, redrawn version of the scanned factory electrical plan with a couple details (like black and water tanks) added.
  2. T

    Escape Plan Listed

    With very deep reservations I have chosen to list Escape Plan our '89 E-38 for sale with Crusader Yacht Sales here in Annapolis. The listing is still being finalized. Its a tough choice for us but we want a bigger boat better suited for offshore work. Problem is we live in Annapolis and sail...
  3. Sean Engle

    New Doc: E38 Systems Plan

    I've just uploaded an large scale plot/scan of the systems plan for the E38. The document is 13.5 mb and is printable at 150 dpi full size. Of the two, the electrical diagram is the better one - the plumbing systems diagram is less clear. The document is located out in the Document...
  4. J

    Plan to Replace Chainplates on an E29

    The existing chainplates on my E29 need replacement due to corrosion, and are glassed into the hull interior. Each side is basically a sideways ' E' design with the horizontal backbone of the 'E' glassed to the hull and the three protrusions of the 'E' being the chainplates themselves, which are...
  5. Jeff Asbury

    Float Plan

    The "Pride of Cucamonga" will be heading to Catalina this Saturday through Monday. We are hoping to get a can at Avalon around 1pm on Sat. Yeah, I know good luck, right! Well that's the plan, if not we will chug up to White's Landing or Two Harbors. Just wondering if anyone else will be at...