Greetings, I’m new to the group... thanks for the add!
We currently have our boat out for bottom painting and shaft replacement. We happened to find an old prop in a cubby onboard (the previous owner had told us it was there) but when we held it up to the current prop, it was much bigger. I...
Hi, all. I recently bought an Ericson 35-2 and joined this group. The zinc on the prop shaft had fallen off so replacing a corroded 13" three-bladed, fixed prop is a priority. The boat was repowered with a Yanmar 3GM30F and the shaft is 3/4". Anyone have experience with this configuration and...
I have to replace my old 2 blade prop, which may or may not be the original. As of a couple of weeks ago, it has been transformed into a 1 blade prop.
It is still on the boat, and I have not measured it's length, and I don't know what the pitch is.
I am considering replacing with a 3...
What's stopping water from saturating the fiberglass around the propeller shaft, Gel coat or is there a bronze tube or something in there?
Thanx, Green Flash 1976 E35-2
I own a 1987 Ericson 34 w/M-25 Universal engine and am considering installing a Campbell Sailer prop. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with these propellers and/or opinion of them. I have heard some good things about them but wonder if it is worth the $$.
Is there a rule-of-thumb or a standard that refers to a minimum or optimum propeller tip to hull distance for a given horsepower & prop combination? I have a 17.5 inch diameter, 3-blade, feathering propeller. The engine is the 5432 Universal, 32 hp. The new dripless shaft seal is quite different...
Hello All-
I'll soon be hauling out my boat for a transmission job and need to also deal with the propeller. I have a 2 blade fixed and I believe it's incorrectly pitched. We did the Wide Open Throttle test in flat water and got well over the recommended maximum of 3000 rpm on our Universal...
I am about to order a Manecraft Shaft Seal ( in an attempt to get a dry bilge on my Ericson 30+. To order the right dimension I need to know the diameter of the prop shaft and the OD of the stern tube. Unfortunately I don't know these measures and my...
Hello, I'm looking for advice on replacing the propeller on my '73 E29. It currently has a one cylinder Yanmar inboard. I believe it orginally came with a Atomic 4. The present propeller was installed by the previous owner, but was cut/shaved for some reason. Well as you can imagine the...
:egrin: I have an E-35 III that will be hauled out from the Chesapeake bay by ThanksGiving. After purchase of s/v Fantasea 2-years ago, I have had excessive vibrations over 2300 rpm. I know the max prop is too far back from the cutless -- over 3 inches -- also, the cutless has had it. I...
Has anyhone had any experience with the Indigo Prop?? I have an E27 with Atomic 4 direct drive, and would like to change from the existing 2 blade. Campbell Sailor would be an other choice. Thanks C. Trembanis
What's everyone using on there Prop's? Last year I had one of my fellow sailors dive over the side to scrape my prop twice during the season. Thanks for any sugestions.
Something I have been wondering since I got the boat, but have never asked before:
What size prop shaft have most people got on their E35 for an A4? Mine is 3/4", but when I replaced the stuffing box, the only size available in the chandlary that fit the boat was intended for a larger shaft...
I have owned my E28 for about two years and sail in the San Diego area. Just recently I noticed what appears to be galvanic corrosion forming on the shaft packing area just inside the hull. I do not see any evidence of zincs anywhere in the area, and nothing in the owner's manual mentions...
I need to replace the strut for my propeller shaft. Has anyone gone through this task and have any suggestions. My boat yard is telling me it could be very expensive to fabricate one.
[I am goint to replace the original propeller on my ericson 35-III
I am considering a campbell three blade 13 x 9 prop per the recommendation below
Does anyone have experience with doing this????
clip...CS3RH13x9x?? for your installation. This is a Campbell Sailer, three
blade, Right...
I was out sailing on Sunday, and when I dropped the sails and started up the motor to come in to the doc, there was an unhealthy banging, followed by the sound of my motor spinning very freely - but we were not moving. After docking under sail (a whole other story...), I dug into the problem and...
I recently replaced my cutless bearing on my '76 E27. I found that the propeller shaft must be original since it has significant wear. Does anyone know of a supplier who has random shaft lengths with the correct propeller taper and threads? Thanks
I have an 87 E 35MkIII with a Gori folding 2 blade propeller. Max speed is about 6.2 kts at 2500 rpm on the M-25XP engine. Engine will go to about 2800 rpm but with no additional speed. However, at 2100 rpm speed down to 5 kts, and in any kind of seas or headwinds speed falls in 3.5-4.5 kt...
In the diesel survey I commissioned as part of the buying process the mechanic noted that the propeller seem overwheeled. The max RPM achievable under load was 2100 RPM on the Universal 1984 M-40. I have found that I typically cruise around 1500-1600 RPM.
The mechanic suggested...