It will help me and perhaps others deep into Head/Waste handling on their 80's Ericson's and Olson's to have some previous information pulled together. The referenced threads date from before I started using this site's blog capabilities. The Blog section is, to me, a very useful part of...
Replacing our head hoses on Quincy has been overdue for a while, and after our July cruise to Barkley and Clayoquot Sounds we had a few down days in Seattle. I decided enough was enough and it was time to tackle a project I’d been putting off for too long. Luckily Chris was there too, so she...
Boats with access to deep water are plumbed for overboard discharge outside the three-mile limit. They discharge only from the holding tank, unlike older systems which permitted direct flow from the toilet. Since pump-out stations are not always handy, overboard discharge is pretty much required...
I've completed the unpleasant task of removing the Wilcox-Crittenden Headmate toilet from my 35-3. I also had to remove the discharge hose to the holding tank, which was a Sealand Odor Safe that has become clogged with calcium and even more inflexible with age. I'm now prepared to install a new...