In early December of 2021 we hauled out our ‘72 E27 at Eddie’s Marine in Wilmington, California.
Work performed by me: Replacement of gate valves with Forespar 93 Series seacocks. Installation of seawater strainer. Re-packing of stuffing box. Re-greasing/shimming of rudder post.
Work performed...
Hello all,
Just recently acquired my 1969 Ericson 32. She has a weeping seacock on starboard side for the main seawater intake.
It seems like I could grease it to minimize the weeping. Has anyone elsefixed this issue before and if so what did you do? I am hesitating to tighten it up, so am...
Hi All,
Do people have opinions about what lubricant to use on seacocks? I'm redoing my head and have a chance to spray lubricant on the ball valves from inside. Any recommendations??
Steve Gabbott
E35/3 Silent Dancer
I need to change the seacocks with newer style ball type on my 1976 E27. I was wondering what kind of force I can inflict the old seacock before doing any damage to the thru-hull. The ones under the sink (engine water and sink discharge) are the worse looking, and naturally have the worse...
Hello All,
Working on my E38 today, getting it ready for the season, etc. It wintered in the water so there isn't much to do to prepare it. My boat has two of the four cockpit drains connected to a single 1 1/2" drain that dumps through the bottom of the hull. In the course of working on the...
I just bought a couple of these and on forespars web site they say that they can be mounted to bronze throu hulls. I am just wondering here why in some posts on this site they say not to?
Update: Adventure and Misadventure
With the help of a friend (who is a competent sailor), I've transported the boat across the Georgia Straight from Nanaimo to her new temporary berth in North Vancouver.
Unfortunately, the trip was not free from incident.
First, let me...
Hello All,
I tore into my '83 E38 in preparation for spring yesterday. I didn't care for the looks of several seacocks so I pulled them all today. Here is what I found:
7 total seacocks, ball valves/thru-hulls really, not the flanged seacock. 4 of them under the starboard/aft section of...
I am in the process of replacing the antiquated ball valves with new seacoks and have an E27 specific question. The existing installation of the ball valves is flush mounted, rather than mushroom. When I removed the old plumbing and plywood pads there was a built up lip of fiberglass under the...
ok, she passed a marine survey- tho he agreed with me that
a couple of those old gate valves were pretty frozen and 'pitted'-
i may get off easy and just have to replace these 3 valves with
bronze seacocks- (not have to re-do the through hulls?)
anyhow, trailering her out this weekend and...
ok, my new boat seems to have ancient,
and frozen, gate valves at the through-hulls-
so, a) how do i recognize a dangerous situation
before it happens... and b) this fall when i haul
out and begin a winter re-fit, what type/make valve,
or seacock, do i want to replace them all with...
As the proud new owner of a 1989 E 38-200 I am engaged in numerous "projects" one is to lubricate the seacocks. All of which are the plastic type. Forespar variety. On the forspar website they recommend using "Waterproof grease, waterpump or winch grease" Is it okay to use teflon winch grease? I...