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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. Sven

    When white gelcoat ages ... ?

    Does it get yellower or bleach whiter ? I am concerned that our self-starting repair guy doesn't know what he is doing. West systems instructions say to match the color of freshly sanded gelcoat in order to match the color in the long term, but I wasn't there to see if Chico did that. I...
  2. P

    Anchor at Island White?

    Have any of you SoCal Ericsons anchored overnight at Island White in Long Beach Harbor? It looks like the recommended spot is right off the man-made waterfall on the island. I'd be swinging from a single hook (all I have for now) so hopefully wind and swells will line up, if there are any...
  3. S

    white ,milky gasoline

    Anyone know what may have caused my gasoline in the tank to become moderately milky white with whispy white strings in it? Can water entry do this? I'm pretty sure I need to drain the tank and clean it out. What's the best way to clean out a plastic gas tank? Evan
  4. Loren Beach

    Red White and Blue !

    This was taken by a friend several weeks ago at the opening day boat parade here in Portland. What with today being Independence Day and the display of colors being perfect for the day... :cool: Note the Ericson 33/RH to the right of our O-34. I hope that you are all enjoying the summer! :cheers:
  5. S

    Island White

    Uff Da (E32) and Tres Amigas (Cal 20) are going to be hanging out on the hook off of Island White this weekend (Saturday and Sunday). Stop by and say hello...enjoy a cold drink with us. There will be four ladies and this old Seadog on board. Even better, drop the hook and stay the night...
  6. D

    White Smoke of Death?

    Coming back from Catalina this last Sunday, we were motoring for an hour or so until the wind came up, and we shut down our Universal diesel. We had motored to the island on Friday night, and the engine performed flawlessly. When the wind completely died a little while later, and we fired...
  7. T

    Mast paint color (white) 1989 38-200

    I'm looking to paint only the mast in the cabin area. Above deck looks great. When it was restepped after shipping it received several chips. I'm looking for suggestions: Awgrip or automotive paint. Any application ideas are well come. Come to think of it what would you recommend for...
  8. Jeff Asbury

    White smoke and un burnt fuel slick from my Yanmar at higher RPMs

    White smoke and un burnt fuel slick from my Yanmar at higher RPMs I have a little 8 HP Yanmar 1GM10. As you may know it is easy to bump the throttle up in the cockpit of a E-27. I had a crew member accidentally kick it up to over 3000 rpm and soon after it started knocking and I noticed...
  9. Jeff Asbury

    White smoke and un burnt fuel slick from my Yanmar at higher RPMs

    I have a little 8 HP Yanmar 1GM10. As you may know it is easy to bump the throttle up in the cockpit of a E-27. I had a crew member accidentally kick it up to over 3000 rpm and soon after it started knocking and I noticed white smoke and un burnt fuel slick from my Yanmar at the higher RPMs...