Channel 4 News had a story last night about it transiting from San Diego to the SF Bay along the Malibu coast.
If you don't already know what 'A' is, you might think at first sight that it must be prop or a set for a James Bond movie.
I think I counted over 10 and I was not looking that hard....
Anyone interested in having a rendezvous somewhere in the late summer, or early fall.
Aiki made it off the dock after 16 months of work yesterday....
Everything went beyond wonderful! Exceed all expectations on the new...
All this happened at about 0920 yesterday, a couple hundred feet from my boat, as I discovered when I visited later in the afternoon.
Lynn is port capt at our YC, and John moors his boat in front of ours, and was there by coincidence.
One of the staff at Rogers Marine Electronics told me later...
I got in my first overnight cruise this past weekend. Sunday, I sailed from Rock Creek to Swan Creek to get a good view of the Perseid meteorites. The sail was very nice despite having a southeasterly wind. Swan Creek was as nice as ever; beautiful breeze, no mosquitos. I saw 12 or so...
Sorry you are on the hard, but I need to do a little bragging here. We went out sailing yesterday and it was ~50 degrees with about 25 knots of wind and no rain for the 3 hours we were out. (Loren lives in Portland and it always seems they are a few degrees warmer and a little drier...
As the sky began to clear after the crappy day we had on Thursday, I caught a few shots of the sky apologizing for all the rain and gray from earlier in the day.