Ericson started the hull-numbers of the E32-3 at #601 which was (presumably) an arbitrary round number for hull #1 of a new series after the end of the 32-2 run.
It's possible that PSC chose #901 as a similar arbitrary round number for hull #1 of a new series after the end of Ericson's 32-3 run.
Thanks for the info, and I quickly found that our boat was HIN-labeled hull #108, actually being hull #8. A friend in the business once told me that it was common for boat builders to start numbering on a new model with #100, to sort of kinda reassure customers that the factory already had some experience with that model. I really doubt that any buyers were "fooled"... but that's the rumor.
Further, in the early days of required HIN codes, the builders had some latitude in the hull and model part of the code. When I was selling some sailboats for Ranger Boats, back in 1980, I found that they were continuing their early-on practice of numbering
all hulls, whether 8 foot dinghy or a Ranger 20, sequentially. i.e. whichever was being laid up next got the next number! A simple system, but it provided some entertainment when we were one-design racing Ranger 20 boats and checking on the appropriate sail number for each entry. And that "one design" sail number would not....match a part of the HIN.