on the port side of the rudder post is glassed to the underside of the sole but the fore/aft bulkhead on the starboard side is not.
I noticed similar on my E381 model. I have the fuel tank under quarterberth. Those bulkheads seem intentionally tabbed all around as if to make firm connection to cockpit pan. But on starboard side, under the open cockpit lazarette, the bulkhead is not connected such as to make all-around unity.
In a seaway, movement of the cockpit pan against the lazarette bulkhead can squeak. I've watched the movement, trying to figure out if intentional. I even screwed a filler piece of wood in there, having nothing else to do that day but try to reduce the chorus of boat sounds. But it didn't do any good, so I removed it.
It would take a naval architect to analyze the crazy twisting forces of a hull in 10-foot seas, but I have a sense that maybe it's intentional not to tie everything together. In any case, it causes no problem in my boat. Flex is inevitable and maybe it's tolerated by leaving a gap? It would have been pretty simple to tab all that area together, but apparently that wasn't in the specs.