Campbell Sailer Propeller


I own a 1987 Ericson 34 w/M-25 Universal engine and am considering installing a Campbell Sailer prop. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with these propellers and/or opinion of them. I have heard some good things about them but wonder if it is worth the $$.


Sustaining Partner
They make a great product. You may want to consider a folder or feathering prop for better performance. CS only makes fixed 2 and 3 blade props. Your E34 is a high performance cruiser and unless you are going long term cruising you may like to get as much speed as possible.

I have an 85 35-3 that is very similar in performace specs to your boat. I use a FlexOFold 2 blade and while it has increased sailing performance, it has also increased motoring in both forward and reverse.


Member III
Got One


I have a ' 88 34 with the same engine. I bought a Campbell sailing prop a few years back and it was an improvement over the stock 2 blade Michigan Sailor prop that came with the boat. I noticed about a half knot improvement while under sail, more umph in head seas, much smoother under power and better backing.

I have since have run into a Martec 3 blade feathering prop at a price that was very right, so the Campbell three blade is in the garage, looking for a home.


Sustaining Partner
Agreed Paul. The CS fixed blade is a substantial improvement over the stock prop and propably the most efficient fixed prop you can get.

Mark F

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author

Have you noticed what is stamped on the CS regarding rotation? I bought one that has LH stamped on it and it is the same rotation as two other props that I have that have RH stamped on them.


Member III
Campbell Sailer

We got a new Campbell Sailer for our 1985 35-3 late last summer. We immediately liked it. Formerly had a Martec folding prop that caused excessive vibration and loss of steering control at crucial close maneuvering moments. The Campbell runs smooth, little to no vibration, gets great bite in the water in headwinds, and gives awesome maneuvering control. We feel we have lost very little in speed and we are really fussy about performance.


Member III
Rh Lh


Mine is marked RH, 14 which is the diameter and P8, which is a 8 pitch. I'd compare the LH to the RH props together. There will be a difference unless something on the marks has worn away.