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    Join us on September 27th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    September Meeting Info

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Coming to the North West...

Ralph Hewitt

Member III
Hi to all you folks in the North West area....

In Sept. my good wife and I are coming your way. I would love to sail with any of you if I can... Loren you know I always enjoy you and the group from RCYC and hope I can go out with you while there. Dates are Sept. Thur. 15,16 in Vancouver/Portland and then back there on 20,21,22. Going up to Anacortes on 17 and then Port Townsend and Squim on the 18-19 of Sept. Not trying to be pushy but just thought If I am there would love to sail in my old area. Check out what we do in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua with the Sea Scouts and guest www.sailingnicaragua.com
Also the best marine stores in the area...
Thanks, http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/images/smilies/smile.gif

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author

Hi Ralph,
I believe that we can go out for sail on any one of three Ericson's in our little YC moorage.
More communication as we get closer will certainly be in order.

Now all we need is a 'late summer' sailing season to make up for our MIA-spring this year!

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Ralph Hewitt

Member III
Sailing with the Guys at RCYC...

Hi Ralph,
I believe that we can go out for sail on any one of three Ericson's in our little YC moorage.
More communication as we get closer will certainly be in order.

Now all we need is a 'late summer' sailing season to make up for our MIA-spring this year!


Sounds good Loren, I will contact you closer to date. Good to hear
