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Cross-cut Dacron or Tri-radial Pentex?


Please Contact Admin.
Placed an order...

Todd from Quantum Long Beach just left my boat, after spending two hours measuring and giving me tips on rig tuning. I ordered a 135 genoa, tri-radial pentex. After saving for a couple months, I'll order a cross-cut dacron main, with 2+2 battens, loose foot, and two reefs.

I can't wait to get that headsail!


Sustaining Partner
Glad to hear it

That's great-I hope you sent Todd my regards. I sailed a LOT of miles with him back in the late 70's, and he gave me the foundations for becoming an offshore sailor, delivery skipper, navigator, diesel mechanic, etc.

He is a VERY quality guy-I'm sure this will be a great experience for you.

Keep us posted!

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
I noticed several sail companies mentioned. Has anyone other than Steve Swann bought FX sails and if so how did they meet your expectations? Steve is happy with his and the people I talked to at FX seem to know what they are doing. I asked questions that their answer showed customer service above making a sale. I am thinking of using FX for my new sails for Rumkin.

I would appreciate any customer experience feedback.


Please Contact Admin.
FX Sails

I was tempted to use FX, but I could not find anyone who had used them or commented on them.

One thing I learned from watching Todd from Quantum measure my boat Friday, is that he took about a million measurements that are not on FX's sail measurement forms. Examples would be the locations of spreader boots so Quantum can precisely locate spreader patches. The location of each shroud was measured. The locations of inner and outter jib lead tracks were measured. The width of the deck. The list is endless.

Furthermore, Todd helped me tune the rig and made other suggestions. When the sail is finished, he'll help me install it and we'll take her out for a sail.

The best part? All this is cheaper than FX's "discount" quote for an equivilent sail.


Sustaining Partner

This is not meant to impune the guys at FX in any way, but as I have said before, we are talking premium boats, and premium boats should have premium sails. Beyond the quality issue, there is resale. A high end boat with sails that are not in the same league is simply not worth as much. I readily admit that many of the local, "no name" sailmakers can and often do a great job, but your boat is worth more with "name brand" sails..



Please Contact Admin.
It's here!

I ordered my new genny on November 17. It arrived on December 4 (my birthday!), and Todd Wheatley from Quantum will deliver it to the boat tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see this thing!

By the way, Todd advised me to pick up spreader boots for the upper spreaders, and he will install those tomorrow, as well as further rig tweaking.

The customer service so far has been better than anything I've every imagined.


Please Contact Admin.

Well, I think I'm in love. The new 135 genny gave me about 3 knots over my old worn-out 100 jib in 10 knot winds. I hope my fiance doesn't hear me talking to "Jenny" in my sleep now.

Todd Wheatley from Quantum Long Beach came to the boat and went up the mast to install boots on my upper spreaders. We took down the old headsail, hoisted the new genny, adjusted the leads, and sailed for two hours. I learned more about sail trim and care of the sails than I did before.

Also, I thought I needed a new mainsail, but he helped me re-rig the halyard to allow the luff to be tightened more, and he showed me how to get good shape out of it. Although I wanted to replace the rust-stained frankenstein that was apparently salvaged and recut from a Cal 35, he talked me out of it. How's that for integrity?

I am very impressed with the customer service, and with the sail. I can't imagine a better purchasing experience.

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member

May I ask how much you had to spend to get that kind of service? The East Coast Quantum rep quoted a no visit order of $3700 for a 155 and a tricked out main for my 29T. The specks for the main called for the sail area of 201 sq ft which would fill the tri of the boom, mast and the back stay. Confusing since the 29T boom is short of the backstay by over two and a half feet. It would be a five batted sail but I still can’t figure more than 182 sq ft which is the area FX shows on the standard. 182 sq requires lots of roach to achieve, about one foot for two thirds the length of the leech.

I really want an experience like yours. I don’t have to have a visit since I am inland but I do want a happy ending. My life insurance is only $3200. A policy my dad bought on me 58 years ago. I am cashing that in to do the upgrades to Rumkin this winter. I don’t want to pay beyond what is needed and I don’t want to save $300 and have a bad experience. I am leaning strongly toward the FX sails because of the service I have received over the phone has been great and I haven’t spent a dime yet. Their price including my got to have list will be about 2250 for both sail, I struggle to think that the difference is that great.

FX will use Challenge 6.53 High Modulus Dacron I have specked for a double reef, loose footed main with one full batten, Cunningham, hull number, leech line,and Insignia. The headsail will be a 155 of the same material with two leech lines. Is there any thing bad wrong with the list of toys I am looking at?
The sails I have are the 1978 original sails so there is no doubt that I need sail.


Please Contact Admin.

I was quoted $3,300 for a 135 tri-radial pentex genny based on faulty measurements (from the PO) which had the I and J about a foot too long. Since the actual measurements are smaller than those supporting the original quote, the price is being reduced. I don't yet know the final price. (I paid the quoted price, and they're looking into an adjustment). This included 3 draft stripes, three sets of telltales, one telltale window, luff foams, and dacron UV covering. The clew height is at the lifelines. It also has markings for two reef points.

I am very happy.

One thing to consider about FX: Somewhere, somebody commented that they were happy with the FX experience. They also mentioned that their mainsail was bunched up around the tack. That suggests to me, that they didn't take into account the tack offset from the mast or boom. That's one of the hazards of having a limited sail measurement sheet, or relying on lay people to do the measurements. I don't have the confidence in myself to do those measurements, and I have even less confidence after seeing a pro in action. Remember, the PO of my boat got two measurements off by a foot!

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
Between the devil and the deep

I would have to die to get enough from the policy to buy the Quantum and the boat would still be measured by me. I will be sure the measurements are detailed to the 1/8” and that the sail maker understands every measurement. I do upholstery, canvas work and restore corvettes and boat work on the side so I have a fair idea about the measuring.
I don’t think getting married is as complex as this. I need to get the hots for a set of sails and just have them move in.


Please Contact Admin.
Good luck to ya!

Remember, I have a pretty tall mast for a 34 ft. boat. My sail area is much larger and more expensive than yours. Sigh. It did hurt to write that check today.

Good luck!


Please Contact Admin.

Remember that I ordered a tri-radial cut of laminated, multi-weight, fabrics. That adds $1,000.00 per sail to the price tag automatically. My quote for cross-cut dacron was only $2,300 with the exagerated I and J measurements, and the other options.

But hell, if you have to do your own measuring regardless of which loft you use, then customer service is pretty irrelevant, and price should probably be the sole determining factor (assuming there is some reputation for quality).

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
going to Captain Ron Land and meditate

It's hard to send over a quarter the cost of the boat and trailer for sails. If I had a $30K boat I could see 5K for sails. I am calling your guy Monday and FX and will make a decision then. I have to measure the original sails and compare to my measurements of the rig as a cross check. I hope to decide before Thursday so I can order before I leave for the Islands a Christmas vacation.

Hope you and all the other Vikings have a great holiday season.


Contributing Partner
Randy are you sure you could not get a Quantum rep to come to your boat? Just a thought but these guys have been pretty good to me in Annapolis and it sounds like on the west coast as well. I would be surprised if they would want you to do the measuring for them. But I guess if you are in a remote area maybe its not an option.


Sustaining Partner
Hey all!

Back on line with a new left knee..... Will be at home for a week, so I will be lurking here more than usual....


Roger Ware

Member III
An alternative to "rep comes to the boat to measure"

Here's what I did with my new main from Quantum. Since its being built in Annapolis, and I live about 1000 miles away in Kingston, ON - having someone come to the boat to measure was never an option. So, I sent them my old main, which measures beautifully, but is 16 years old and completely shot. Instructions are not to bother sending it back. This only cost me $35 with UPS so not expensive.

Since I don't have the new sail, I don't yet know how this will work out. But it is another option to measuring yourself that is worth considering.

Cheers, Roger, Kingston, ON


Sustaining Partner
A good call


You did all the right things to reduce the chances of error. Having the old sail is certainly extremely helpful, and as was mentioned in another thread, supplementing this with some actual measurements (mast bend, actual P and E, and setback and cut up, and distance from the back of the mast at the tack fitting to the backstay) will ensure a great fit.

Let us know!!