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Cruising California's Channel Islands.

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
I was wondering if there are any other Ericson owners that have cruised the Channel Islands extensively. I have a E-27 in San Pedro and am planing to go to Santa Cruise and beyond next July or August with a couple other same sized boats.

My experience with the Channel Islands is some what limited. I have been to Smugglers/Yellowbanks about 5 times, Scorpion Cove once on Santa Cruz Isle. and to Frenchy's on Anacapa Isle. Those trips were all on a 22' swing keel when I departed from Channel Islands Harbor. This trip will take a bit longer because I will be coming from San Pedro, about 75 miles south of Santa Cruz.

My questions are:

1) Would it be best to go to Marina Del Ray the first night and then to Channel Islands Harbor before I cross the channel to the islands, or go directly from San Pedro or Marina Del Ray?

2) I would also like to know are there good anchorages on the "Windy Lane" side of the island such as Prisoners Harbor?

3) Is it best to stay on the lee of Santa Cruz if I want to go on to Santa Rosa? What are the best anchorages on Santa Rosa?

Please understand that I have some experience at these islands and have researched quite a bit. I have read Brian M. Fagen's Cruising Guide twice, but I would be interested in getting some first hand advice.

Thank You


Sustaining Partner


IIRC from my SoCal days, I can say that it can be a long slog from Pedro. It is still generally upwind from Del Rey, but you can take a long port tack up towards Malibu in flatter water before poking accross the Channel. Or, if you pick your weather, and leave San Pedro at night or very early in the morning, you can get pretty far from Pedro before the breeze fills, and you want to be as far West as you can be when that happens.

I think all the safe anchorages are on the lee sides.

You probably know most of this, but it is what I remember.

Dave Topolski

Junior Member
Channel Islands


We have our 35 E at Ventura and have made several trips to the Islands. If you were thinking of a stopping over place it would seem to me that either Ventura or Oxnard are preferable to Marina Del Ray. As to anchorages, staying current with the wind and the weather reports for the area and then following Fagen's advice is your best bet. Many of the boats try to minimize the effects of the swell by hanging a 5 gal bucket with holes in it or similar device off the boom. Good sailing. Dave


Member III
Santa Cruz harbors

Hi, Dave,

Pelican is great, unless you have a swell from the N or NW. Otherwise, Frys is your best bet during the midweek. On weekends it is full. Cueva Valdez was advertized as a pretty good option as well, and from there Santa Rosa is a short sail away.

On Santa Rosa, as well as on any other Channel Island, follow Fagan's advice. We have been there only once so far, and the anchorage was... er, let's put it this way: we did not care much, we were asleep after a pretty andrenaline-intensive sail from Santa Cruz. It BLOWS there! Be REALLY generous on the anchor scope! But then, Fagan does write about it, too.

But actually, it is fun. Wish we were there. Right now...

Fair winds!

Stan & Tanya

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Thanks for the responses all.

Thanks for the responses all.

Here's a good web link to a story about six day trip around Santa Cruz Island on a Columbia 50'. The crew was pretty busy hauling anchor and changing anchorages. This story is why I want to be prepared as possible!

Check it out.

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise.

Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise. The tentative departure day is Friday September 3rd.

It is now official. If anyone else is interested. I am holding a Skipper's Meeting to discuss plans to cruise to the Channel Islands during the week of Labor Day 2004. So far there are two Ericson 27's, one Cal 29 and one Islander 28 in our flotilla. We are all leaving from three different harbors on the So Cal coast. San Pedro, King Harbor and Marina del Ray. The plan is to cruise straight to Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard which will probably take 17 hours from San Pedro, less form Marina del Ray. Most of us will arrive early the next day. Sleep in and then make the 18.5 mile crossing to Smugglers Cove on Santa Cruz Island the next day. From there we will decide on what other anchorages to visit on the Channel Islands. Most of us will be cruising the whole week.

The Skipper's Meeting will be held at the Lounge/Bar at the San Pedro Hilton next to the Cabrillo Marina in San Pedro at 5 pm on Saturday March 13th.

Jeff Asbury, Skipper of "The Pride of Cucamonga" Out.


Member II
Channel Islands from MDR

Hi Jeff,

Hope your many trip to Channel Islands since your original post have gone well. Last summer we took a Chartered 35 from MDR to Santa Barbara Island via a UCSD Ocean buoy. Left at 1000 and arrived at 1900. Made Dinner for the crew, listened to the seals and tried not to let the smell overcome us while we ate. Set sail around midnight for Santa Cruz and arrived in Windy Lane around 0900 with 35kt winds. Sailed up the leeward side of Santa Cruz starting at Coaches Prietos. Suggest arriving in early part of the week. leisurely rate and back down the windward side. A great place in all but with waters that were seemingly nowhere as clear as I remember them in the mid 80's. Left from Smugglers at 1900 back for MDR arriving at 0800. The only suspense in the trip was crossing the shipping lanes at night going from Smugglers back to MDR.

Last May I bought an Ericson 27 sailed only on Great lakes and a solid trailer for use at Dillon Reservoir in Colorado at 9,000'. After a summer of constant use and taking notes and a winter in a shrink-wrapped ice box, I will start refitting her for a month long coastal trip in 08 that will add Santa Rosa and San Miguel to the list of visited Islands and perhaps even parts of Baja.

Happy Sailing.
