Prices vary a lot in our area (Rochester, NY). Moorage is for the season, which is 4-5 months, or maybe 6 if you can tolerate the cold. For a 32' boat, it averages about $2700, from casual shopping. But you can cut that in half if you're willing to drive farther, and if you're ok at a marina with no facilities like haul-out. Winter storage, on the hard, can run $500-1,200. I nice feature is that often the haul out and launch is usually included in those costs, if you stay at the same location. Free wi-fi and electric are the norm, if available. There is also a dramatic difference in club fees, from $600 per year to $500 per month, year round. The lower cost clubs are member-maintained, and the higher-priced clubs tend to have restaurants, dry-sail lifts, large capacity lifts, pools, and fleets of one-design boats (like Ideal 18's, Sonars, dinghies, opti's, 420's, etc) that members can use at little or no cost. One real advantage of club membership in Lake Ontario is that most clubs have reciprical privileges (usually first or second night free), so you can make 15-30 mile cruising hops from club to club, all around the Lake and into the St. Lawrence RIver without paying the high tourist/transient docking fees. Some people will join an inexpensive club a couple of hours away to get those privileges, and then pay for more expensive docking closer to home.
A big issue in our area is a shortage of professional maintenance people. You can wait weeks (or a whole season) to have someone even "take a look" at a mechanical issue or do something like installation of equipment, or any fiberglass or gel coat work. So, one must find an amazing support community (like this one), and learn to do it yourself.