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E-25 Topping Lift


Junior Member
Hello all:

My E-25 has the topping lift connecting to the split backstay. This can be pretty inconvienent at times especially if needing to drop the mainsail in preparation for a storm.

Are any of you using a different setup? If so how do you like it and what was the difficulty/cost of making the change?

Overall this has been a fantastic boat for us, just trying to work out some of the details!



Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Are you talking about the cable with a clip on it that is connected to the center of the split in the aft stay? If so, that is not a topping lift. A true topping lift is secured at the top of the mast with a small block and tackle that secure to a cleat at the aft of the mast. It allows me to raise and lower the boom so I can clip it off easily. I only use the clip on the aft stay when I'm anchored or at the dock to keep the boom from moving back and fourth. At least that's how its rigged on my E-27. A lot of smaller boats don't have topping lifts.



Junior Member
That's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to see if it would be practical to use a true topping lift instead or if anyone has another creative way of handling this. The crew is not very appreciative of having the boom dropped down into the cockpit while reefing or lowering the mainsail.


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Yeah, I know what you mean. I had the same problem on my 22 foot boat. If you can find a extra strong fitting at the top of the mast you could rig a topping lift up fairly easily. You would also need a block at the aft of the boom and a cleat on the side of the boom to secure it on. 1/4" line should be enough to raise and lower the boom. Thats what I have.


Brian Lowman

Member II
I likewise have no topping lift on my E25. I feel it is something that must be added if I am going to cruise extended distances with my boat.

My questions is, does the topping lift need to be on a block at the top of the mast and trimmable from on deck? I was think of adding a fixed length topping life and securing it to a fixed point on the masthead. Or, since I have a roller furling genny, fixing it to the jib halyard where the wire/rope splice is made and bringing it aft over the mast head (not resting on a sheave).

Anyone have any observations on this method?


Brian Lowman
S/V Gypsy Rose

For what it is worth, the topping lift on my E-27 is vinyl covered wire. It has been on there for 30 years. The lower termination point is a Nico-Press thimble. That is lashed to the bail of one of those snap hooks. The snap hook snaps into the bail on the aft part of the boom. In normal cruising I leave the topping lift on. For racing, wherein I want the main to be flatter, I take it off.

We refer to that little thing that comes off the top of the split in the backstay as the "pigtail."

It seems to me that the simpler the system is, the bang you get for the buck. The helmsman can take off or put on the type of topping lift arrangement I have without leaving the cockpit.

Morgan Stinemetz


Sustaining Partner
Topping lift

There is an extra hole in the masthead assembly which allows you to fit a real topping lift. Actually a pair of holes which a clevis pin will go through. This is where the eye on the end of the topper will go. Normally you take this to the end of the boom, through a small block to a cleat-so you can adjust it. This is the conventional way. The best solution would be to install a solid boom vang (Hall Spars Kenyon, Forspar). This supports the boom so it won't fall on your crew's heads, and allows a wide range of powerful adjustment to the mainsail.

Bob in Va

Member III
Agree with Seth

But I would include Garhauer in the list of rigid vangs to consider - high quality at a very reasonable price. Also, Boomkicker is another route that offers mast support, using your existing vang. Getting rid of a rope topping lift removes some weight and windage and inconvenience. Check the wire pigtail periodically, as it can fatigue where it exits the sleeve/clamp.

Steve Swann

Member III
TO: "Bratton", BZ MT


We bought an E25 this fall and we're located near Boise (another E25 is near Sun Valley, owned by the Jeff and Lorraine Marble). I fly to Bozeman every once in a while (have friends there) and would like to say hello sometime, if convenient. Any chance we all meet sometime next summer for an E25 sail/rendevous somewhere (assuming we get snowpack)?

Steve & Tawni Swann
Sea Horse

PS Jeff Marble would be one to give good advice on your topping lift and vang issues as well.


Topping lift

Topping lifts are not good to have as they wear your sail and are heavy. I use a spring vang on my boat that holds up the boom nicely when reefing or dropping the main. The vang is made by bamar and look up they are a europian company, product is very high quality and not real expensive. I bought my at the Jack london boat show last year. By the way my boat is an Ericson 25+. Ryan