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E-27 Running Lights

Tom Smith

Member I
Checked my running lights last night and found I need to replace the masthead and starboard lights. To save time, I'd like to have the replacement bulbs handy before I tear everything apart. Can someone tell me what the correct bulb numbers are please? Also, is there anything else I should have ready before I start this project? Thanks.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Tom -

You can check your owner's manual - but of course, if the model light was changed, it won't matter anyhow. I have to change my anchor light as well - and that turned out to be a Perko "festoon type" bulb (conductors at both ends).

Get out your screw driver (and bosun's chair)!


[Edited by Sean Engle on 05-07-2001 at 12:49 AM]

Tom Smith

Member I
Sean -

Thanks for the kind words. I replaced the lights Saturday. Since my E-27 was still on shore, I tied my access ladder to a halyard and brought her up against the mast. Just to be safe, I tied off the bottom of the ladder to the shrouds and slung a loop over the spreaders so I had something to keep me in place once I got up there.

Naturally I needed two trips up. One to get the light off, and a second with the replacement which I had to go out and buy. The second good thing about going aloft was that I got a chance to look at my spreaders up close. I think I'm going to unstep the mast this fall when I do my winter layup so I can give it a good going over.

Tom Smith

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Going Aloft - Safely

I have to do the same thing as well. Half of my anchor light and fore deck light are both out. Plus I need to adjust my spreaders and check the tips. Plus, I have some areas of oxidation on the mast I want to clean up and hit with zinc chromate.

I'm going to get one of those bosun's harnesses and rig a system of 4:1 blocks that include a Harken Hexaratchet (sp?) and 7/16 line so I can pull myself safely (plus it will allow me to jump around up there without worry of falling out, etc.

I had a rigger out a couple of weeks ago, and that's what he used - so I'm going to duplicate his system (45' is just a bit too far for me to fall, so...).


Tom Smith

Member I
Sean -

I was lucky enough to have my boat still on shore, so the ladder was the best option for me. I'll be unstepping the mast this fall, so I'll wait until then to redo everything.

Good luck in the bosun chair. I have one but have never put it to use. You might want to play around with the 4:1 block before you hoist yourself up, just to make sure the 7/16 line is not too small to get a good grip on without cutting your hands, and you can safely pull your weight. A safety line with a brake might also be something to consider. Also, I'm not sure if going up is harder, or going down. Once you release that line and let it slip through you fingers, it can get real fast in a hurry.

Tom Smith

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Oh, believe me - I'll test the daylights out of it before I actually go up on it. I guess I'm from the "over cautious" side with respect to safety (funny how that happens as you get older).

Basically, though - I'm looking forward to going up there, as there's plenty of work to be done, and I'm looking forward to finishing it.


David Swanson

New Member
New Member

Hi Guys,
I just bought an E-27 (1976) and found that the port bow running light was pretty well shot-- corroded thoroughly and wires fell off when I unscrewed the mounting. Bulb completely corroded into socket. Looks to me like some kind of new fixture may be required. Are there any steps that I might take first to de-corrode the little fixture, and failing that, is there an aftermarket suggestion to replace it with? Thanks! --David Swanson