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E27 vs Mariner 28


Junior Member
They both have very similar numbers in size and sailing and very similar interiors. I haven't found much information on the net about the Mariner. Has anyone owned and/or sailed on one to offer some insight into their construction, sailing ability, etc? Thanks.


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Yup, it is a rare boat

I have a Mariner 28 in our YC moorage and can put you in touch with the owner if you wish to send me your email addy. I am at Sailaway10 AT comcast DOT net. (make obvious corections when keying.)

He is a long time owner and seems to like the boat. Admittedly, I have not been aboard. The bottom had to be peeled and refinished/epoxied due to a bad case of gel coat blisters a few years ago -- now appears just fine at haulouts.

Is this what you are shopping?

Best wishes,
Loren in PDX
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