Engine Raw Water Hull Valve Status


Sustaining Member
I usually leave my engine raw water thru hull valve open because it is difficult to access. We just had Tropical Storm Isaias and I closed all the hull valves as part of my storm prep. I've read you can hang the engine key on the hull valve handle as a reminder to open the valve before you start the engine. I usually hang my engine key on a hook at the Nav Desk for convenience and came up with this alternative reminder. I have to remove the black fob first when the hull valve is closed. Normally, with the hull valve open and the fob behind the key and reversed, I just grab the key and start.



Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
That is a great idea! I have to ask, what is up with the bottle jack?


Sustaining Member
Whew! I though somebody would ask about the underwear hanging from the Nav Desk lamp. The bottle jack was holding up a small block of PT wood while the epoxy dried. Its' epoxied to the bottom of the deck above the headliner and serves as the base for a 12v fan. The bottle jack has moved on to a similar job on the galley side.


Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Hah, I know better than to ask about undergarments on boats! Good idea for the bottle jack, wish I had thought of that for my overhead core repair job.