Ericson 35 MKIII - Standared vs Performance Keel


Member I
I am looking at a 1986 Ericson 35 MKIII with the shallow 4'11" keel. The other keel design draws 6'2". I am interested in any comments anyone has on the pros and/or cons of the shallow keel. Thank you.


Sustaining Partner
I have never sailed the shoal keel but I do have the 6'2" keel and I can tell you it is great upwind. I can easily point <30° apparent and even pushed it to about 25° last year in a regatta that allowed me to pass 2 boats in the last 5 minutes of the race.

I have only ever been outpointed in a race by true race boats. Js, Farrs, etc.

I am sure the shoal keel cannot do that.

I would only consider the shoal keel if it is absolutely needed for your area. Unless we are talking about a great bargain on the boat you are considering.

Remember, all boats are a compromise. I may end up buying a new boat with a wing keel so I can cruise the thin waters of the Bahamas.


Member III
don't write off the shoal keel

We typically outpoint most other boats on the water at any given time. Not quite as good as full draft but the small loss in performance we more than make up for by having access to shoal water on the Chesapeake Bay and its numerous gunkholes. The 35-3 is an excellent sailer in both configurations. You just have to decide which priorities matter most for your situation. Good luck!


Member II
If it's a great deal go for it if not may want to wait as the deep draft keel will certainly not be an issue on Puget Sound.

E38 WaveWalker
Gig Harbor Wa

e38 owner

Member III
It depends if you want to race

The rating adjustment for the shoal keel is ussually around 6 seconds per mile. In my estimation the performance gain from the deep keel is most likely greater than 6 seconds per mile. Thus the deep keel is probably more competitive. Day sailing or cruising the difference is slight. Racing it may make a difference between winning or not