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Ericson Owner's Association

Dan Hayes

Member III
Anything new about starting an Ericson Owner's Association?

I can imagine how cool the burgee could look...

I remember seeing some posts about it last year, just wondered if there was any follow up. I think it's a great idea.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Hey Dan -

There's been some discussion about burgees in the Steering Committee - but it's not really moved up the table as of yet...

I'm hoping to have a small banner put together that we can send to the regions when there are regional get togethers - have everyone pose in front of it - then create some regional pages with local stuff in them. All in an effort to pull the groups together - to unite into a EYOA.

If that gets done, it will start in June - at the NW Rendezvous in British Columbia...


Dan Hayes

Member III
I buy these all the time for work - I'll see if I can get a deal for you. Do you know what size you want? A common size is 8 x 2 - you can hang them off the front of a table. Let me know and I'll see what I can do.



Gord Bell

Member II
Still have the banner from last year Port Townsend rendezvous and it will be at the Sydney rendezvous this year.
cheers Gord