Folding propeller


Member III
I'm thinking to install a folding propeller on my E27. This unit comes with a Volvo md7a and saildrive 110s.
Thinking to optimize the low hp with a 3 folding propeller. But I found a thousand options and by experience, I know folding does not have a quick response on the reverse.
Experiences, comments, tough??
Thanks in advance!


Contributing Partner
I had the folding 2 blade Volvo saildrive on my SJ26. The engine, however was a D1-13. It gave good performance in reverse. The secrete was to give a quick blast of power in reverse to open the blades then immediately back down. The SJ could make 7.1kn wide open with this prop.


Member III
You have a saildrive on an e27? I hadn't heard of that set up before. If so, I don't have an opinion on the set up. I have tried a martec 2 blade and didn't like the response or control i got. Given the challenges of reverse I opted for control and went with the fixed 3 blade on my 27.

Bob Robertson

Member III
I've had a two blade prop for years and it works great. I don't think I noticed a change using reverse when I changed from the two bladed fixed prop. When I bought the new two blade prop I wanted a three blade prop, but it was significantly more money and I wasn't willing to pay that much more. I'm perfectly happy with the two blade prop.