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Foul weather gear

Kim Schoedel

Member III
Looking for some light weight Foul Weather Gear for this winter. We sail on a lake so I do not need the "extreme" stuff. Mostly looking for affordable water proof/wind bearier gear (jacket and bibs) that I can wear with layers underneath.

I have a good friend that is just tickled with his WM gear, in fact, I think he wears it to bed even when he isn't on his boat. Any other ideas/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


Member II
Have a fancier set of Gill gear but the WM stuff I bought in 1985 is still completely intact and useable. Just too stained to use except when doing dirty jobs. It was a great buy and still is.


Sustaining Member
For lightweight I loved the Musto 3D set I had. Got it on clearance from I've since moved on to a more offshore Gill jacket that I "stole" from my local WestMarine on clearance.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
"Breath in, breath out"

After many years of sweating inside my "waterproof" foulies I finally bought some breathable ones -- jacket and chest-hi pants. Best piece of personal gear ever invented!
Well, That, and insulated sea boots...

(No matter how warm it is ashore in the NW, it is quite chilly out at sea on the night watch) :rolleyes:

i bought the West Marine "Expolorer" model, but there are many to choose from.

Loren in PDX


Sustaining Partner
Forget the marine stores. Their technology is no better than any other outdoor clothing place. Try EMS or North Face. The stuff is cheaper and waranteed for life. They also offer component systems where you can just buy the shell now(light weight) and add the layers any time.


Sustaining Partner
I found two (me and the wife) Helly Hansen jackets in the "Young America" colors with logo on the back at a local marine consignment shop NEW. The shop had 50+ jackets in all sizes. IIRC, Young America was a race yacht that broke apart and sank? Maybe nobody wanted them but I didn't care. They were $60 each and they work like a charm. Check your local shops, you never know what you will find. RT

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Young America? I thought I heard (or read) of something that happened in Annapolis last week - of one of those jackets getting ripped off the mannequin - right out of the store - or something... I'm not implying that this is what you have, Rob - but I'm just a little puzzled...

This article says that there are only 18 of those jackets around?

Huh? :confused: I don't get it...



Young America? I thought I heard (or read) of something that happened in Annapolis last week - of one of those jackets getting ripped off the mannequin - right out of the store - or something... I'm not implying that this is what you have, Rob - but I'm just a little puzzled...

This article says that there are only 18 of those jackets around?

Huh? :confused: I don't get it...


That's the same night that the Ericson group was at the Boatyard Grill nearby. The plot thickens ! ;)

Steve Swann

Member III
Sleepless - but very dry - in Boise


"...I have a good friend that is just tickled with his WM gear, in fact, I think he wears it to bed even when he isn't on his boat..."

Whew! I am really glad you didn't mention any names! :egrin:

Steve Swann


Sustaining Partner
Young America? I thought I heard (or read) of something that happened in Annapolis last week - of one of those jackets getting ripped off the mannequin - right out of the store - or something... I'm not implying that this is what you have, Rob - but I'm just a little puzzled...

This article says that there are only 18 of those jackets around?

Huh? :confused: I don't get it...


Yup, those are the ones. Wickford Marine Consignment in North Kingstown, RI had at least 50 of them last spring. I highly doubt they only have 18 of them. I don't get it either...
Edit: My wife checked the Wickford Marine Consignment website and the pics are the same as on the Annapoliswireless' article page..... Truely strange?

Oh, and that aint' the price I paid!
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Mike Swift

'76 E-25 "Gulliver"
I still use the foul weather bibs issued to my father by the US Navy in 1944. I know, I know, laugh if you must, but what these babies lack in fashion sense, they more than make up for in effectiveness and durability. After all, these were made to US military standards when Tojo was fixin' to rain on our regatta! :cool:

So, if you plan to aim the helm away from the yacht club docks and the sneering glares of the neon-clad fashion-plates, take a run to your nearest military surplus store and pick up three or four sets of these for the price of half a set of Harkens or Gills--and still have $$$ left over for something truly indispensable to a good voyage, like a second bottle of rum perhaps? :cool:

Kim Schoedel

Member III

I like the idea of having an extra jug of grog onboard! Tell me, what kind of material do think these Military issue garments are made of?

BTW, I already get snears and funny looks from people at the dock.

Mike Swift

'76 E-25 "Gulliver"
What are they made of? Well, that's a good question. Asbestos & PCBs? :rolleyes:

No, I just dug 'em out. They seem to be made of a light-weight canvas with a rubberized, kind-of, material lining.

Of course, this set is WWII vintage, so I'm sure the versions found in the military supply stores today are somewhat different. But, they made plenty of these back when, and they may very well still be selling the WWII/Korean War surplus.