Fund Raising 2024-2025: Now Open!

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Holiday Logo_3d_upload.png
Happy Holidays from!

Greetings from Southern New Hampshire! We hope this finds you and your families healthy and happy and enjoying what should prove to be a great holiday! I can tell you that December here has proven to be quite odd, and while we've gotten one good snow event, it otherwise has been quite dry and sunny. Happily though, our moving and associated related renovations will (finally) be coming to an end in two weeks - and I will be rejoining the workforce in the new year. Thank goodness! =)

As you know, each year at this time we reach out to the membership to seek support for the costs associated with our websites hosting fees, maintenance costs and the like. For those of you who are new, we do this in lieu of paid memberships or other fee-for-service agreements in order to provide community and related information to the maximum number of owners possible. We've been doing this since 2004, and in that time, we've managed to cover the costs associated with maintaining the site with a broad base of support from our owners.

Those of you interested in contributing to the site can find information on how to participate, located here:

Anyhow, welcome to our new members, and thanks to those of you who have stuck with us since 2001. I can honestly tell you that having this site has been quite the blessing in terms of the nice people we've met and the wonderful times we've shared. In the end, sharing time together is really what all of this is about, and I hope that everyone reading this is doing well and happy. As usual, if you have questions/comments, please feel free to let me know and I will be more than happy to respond to them. Please also feel free to contact me directly if you wish - either way I look forward to hearing from you.

Finally, I can tell you this: It will be going down to 3° here in a couple of days, and while that seems cold to many folks, I can report that our neighbors here in our new hometown have been very warm and welcoming to us. Just like all of you, our relationships mean the world to us, and that includes those of you - both owners now and in the past, friends old and new.

Happy Holidays everyone!


Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Hi Sean,
According to my weather app, you are at a warm 38 now, and predicted to descend to single digits by Sunday. Wow and Brrr.
Thanks again for putting up with us Vikings for another year. Best Wishes to you guys in 2025.
Warm Regards,
Loren and Kathy
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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Here we are in 2025, and a bump for a Very important message.
(When the rain stops this week I will even take down and store the outside holiday light strings... and start to think about getting under way this spring!)