Jeff Asbury said:
Here's what it looks like over there via web cam at 3:15 pm today.
Yup, that was La Petite at the top of the picture, right next to the rocks. Dawn Treader was right behind us, just to the left in the picture.
Wild ride at the mooring Friday afternoon and evening. Nancy and I could just barely get into the inflatable to row over and visit Glyn and Marilyn for dinner because of some serious chop and swells from the North. After a somewhat aborted but still wonderful dinner we headed back and the wind had shifted to southerly so I didn't have to row against it, just the waves
Marilyn, Glyn and Bruce (the guide dog in training) are still out there, for one more day. Unfortunately Nancy and I had to return for Monday morning meetings :-(
Our return trip was wonderful. We took in one reef (all we have) just as we passed by ship rock (as close as I'd ever want to because of the rocks just west of it). 5 hours and 39 minutes after dropping the can we ducked behind the MDR breakwater and almost exactly six hours after dropping the can we tied up in the slip. The swells were supposed to be huge and they were pretty big, with whitecaps all the way and real green water breakers. At Palos Verdes we added the foul weather gear bottoms to the tops we'd been wearing almost from the begining; not because of rain, just sheets of water coming over the windward side. The reefed main was wet halfway up the sail with the sun shining throughout.
No issues with container ships or tankers, saw 4 of the first and 1 of the second, that was it.
The rainfly worked like a charm but we sure didn't get much rain !
Cold, sometimes wet, bumpy and windy - it sure beats not sailing