Icebox/Refrigeration on Ericson Yachts [Master Thread]


Member I
We ussually stay on our boat just for the weekends.
The orginal thermal fridge that came with the boat just doesn't work.
For years because we have just not wanted to pump out the cooler each weekend we have brought food on the boat and stored it in a 48 qt cooler on the starboard side.

It has come time that this to is getting old, What have other 38 owners done for refridgeration etc and how well does it work, we are concerned about putting refridgeration in the large icebox because things roll towards the back and are diffuicult to reach.

Thanks for the input
1981 Ericson 38-Shalom
I just installed a conversion on our 36RH which really only had one spot for it.Iimagine you may have more choice in the 38?
We don't need to freeze things but have read at highest setting it will freeze.It runs so nice and quiet.On this boat the insulation around the ice box was 3".
Will put it to good use in a few days in the 80° heat or so. I have since re shaped glued the wood cut out to slide unit into place
Good luck.


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Member II
Just to add to the discussion in refrigeration. We built a day stern arch with 200 watts of solar panels, 2 days to vacation I decided to put a fridge on our e39. Bought an inverter, a Walmart bar fridge with separate freezer door, hooked it up to house battery and had cold beer for 3 weeks.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
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Member III
I cut a 1” piece of foam and skinned it in fiberglass to reduce the size of our big compartment. It can be removed easily to expand the space if needed. It increased efficiency remarkably since the area furthest back is very poorly insulated. We have the basic 12-volt AB system and probably use 30-40 AH per day. Easily covered by solar panels.


Member II
We added 2 100w solar panels and a bar fridge from Wal-Mart. The inverter has enough capacity for the fridge but make sure you have enough house battery capacity to get you through the night


1974 E27 'Bluey'
Our E27 still has the original ice box. I'm contemplating a portable refrigerator/cooler unit (an efficient compressor-based unit, not a thermoelectric one) and creating an opening where it could 'drop into' the ice box cavity with the lid at the counter surface.


I would add a 12v connection and openings in the ice box to help heat from the refrigerator dissipate.

Upsides include the ability to load it up with stuff at home and bring the entire unit to the boat, and being able to remove it and use elsewhere for road trips, etc.

Curious if anyone else has considered or done this.


Member III
Our E27 still has the original ice box. I'm contemplating a portable refrigerator/cooler unit (an efficient compressor-based unit, not a thermoelectric one) and creating an opening where it could 'drop into' the ice box cavity with the lid at the counter surface.

I would add a 12v connection and openings in the ice box to help heat from the refrigerator dissipate.

Upsides include the ability to load it up with stuff at home and bring the entire unit to the boat, and being able to remove it and use elsewhere for road trips, etc.

Curious if anyone else has considered or done this.
I experimented with this approach thinking the compact size of the frig/freezer had to be more efficient as it "should" cycle less than the boat's frig/freezer with large unused space. After a weekend test, I was surprised that the power consumption was not much different. The portable unit cycled a lot often than I thought.

My conclusion is that the boat's frig/freezer is actually pretty efficient. So I installed a 200W solar system at a cost not much more than one of these portable frig/freezer units. The portable unit however is excellent for car trip to keep frozen items cold.
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E35-3 - New Jersey
I’m just trying to get a little extra insulation in my fridge. I have a 12-volt SeaFrost BD unit with a plate in the aft icebox and it works very well, but during the warmer months it of course cycles more frequently. I just want to line the interior walls with something that’ll improve the insulation, and (on another thread thanks to @Loren Beach) potentially put some weather stripping around the lid. Just a simple cut a paste job is all I’m looking to do in the interior. What’s the best product for that?