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Impress Your Friends with Burgee Display

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Right up there with not falling overboard or running into channel buoys is accessorizing your saloon.

The interior of a well-loved sailboat displays greasy tools, a fetid bilge and an overflowing holding tank. People think that when they achieve that, they're finished decorating.

But there is more we can do to feel at home and impress our friends.

I refer to the club burgee, personal insignia, or such popular communicators as "Chick Magnet," "Five O'clock Somewhere," and "Wife Not Aboard."

Too often these personality flags, when not displayed, are crammed in a drawer or tossed behind the Malomars on a shelf.

That is wrong when instead they could festoon the cabin with our identity, sort of like a selfie or sending flowers to yourself. Which works! Ask any cognitive therapist who the most important person in your life is, and she will say "you." But I don't recommend paying for psychological advice you can get here for free.

Here is what I do. You may call it an invention. Edison would.

burgee hang - Copy.jpg1

The visual impression is obviously elegant, in an easy, uncomplicated way. You may rightfully ask, when the awe subsides, how does that work? And here is the unexpected answer in all its persuasive simplicity:

Velcro tabs on the overhead rail.

And Velcro tabs on the burgee string, too. They are there permanently, or until your wife leaves you and the boat goes up for sale.

But the stickum won't keep the tabs on the flags, insofar as they are exposed to weather, perhaps for the whole season, or until the dockmaster cuts your lines and pushs your boat out into the current.

So, sew them on.


I believe this to be interior decor at its most efficient, as it utilizes existing materials and provides dual usage.

But if you don;t believe me, ask Martha Stewart, she's out of jail.
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Bill McLean
Very amusing piece, Christian. Thank you for taking the time to produce it. I, for one, appreciate your humor.


Member II
A bunch of burgees in a nice breeze on the Howe Sound in BC a while back.


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Junior Member

The Ericson burgee is cool. Anyone know where I could find one?

I've thought about putting up alphabet flags to send messages to the club
"Send Beer"
"Rum on board"
"Mars needs women"


My wife tells me I need a "I'm a dork" burgee. I'm not sure about that though.



Bill McLean
Shane: Yeah, I'm a dork (and proud of it) Riddle: What do they call a dork 20 years after high school? Answer: Boss.

Kevin, what is the second flag from the top?

East Coast Valhalla


Member III
The Ericson burgee is cool. Anyone know where I could find one?

I've thought about putting up alphabet flags to send messages to the club
"Send Beer"
"Rum on board"
"Mars needs women"


My wife tells me I need a "I'm a dork" burgee. I'm not sure about that though.


My PO left a yellow Ericson burgee for me. I'll grab a picture when I go up this weekend. It's in good shape but I get the sense that it's pretty old.

I like Christian's plan for displaying the burgees in the privacy of the cabin. I'm never confident enough in my vexillology to display anything on my spreader except the Q and courtesy flags.


Innocent Bystander
Kevin, what is the second flag from the top?

State flag of Washington!


Very funny piece, Christian, as usual.

Is that your main sewing machine? I wasn't sure because due to the extreme fisheye it appears the photo was taken with a spy camera of some sort, perhaps cleverly concealed on the lapel of a blue blazer, the belt buckle of a pair of white pants, under the glass of a Dark 'n' Stormy, or tucked into the binding of a recent copy of Martha Stewart Living magazine.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
That is the fabulous 1954 Singer 15-91 sewing machine, all 100 bucks-worth of it.

The photo is GoPro, with its stock wide angle lens. My iPhone camera doesn't work at the moment because some imbecile put the phone on top of my car and then drove off. As my daughter explains, "some people shouldn't have nice things."


Member II
The Ericson burgee is cool. Anyone know where I could find one?

I've thought about putting up alphabet flags to send messages to the club
"Send Beer"
"Rum on board"
"Mars needs women"


My wife tells me I need a "I'm a dork" burgee. I'm not sure about that though.


I purchased the Ericson burgee online quite a few years ago.I looked last night and could not find who made them.There are quite a few companies that will make one off flags for a price.You could use the logo that is floating around online as a pattern. I am not sure if there are copyrights on the logo these days. Loren or Christian might have a better idea.


Member II
Talk about burgee dorks......I also ocassionaly fly a string of 'Viking Origin' flags. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark! Makes for alot of color for opening day boating parades!


Member II
State flag of Washington!


Very funny piece, Christian, as usual.

Is that your main sewing machine? I wasn't sure because due to the extreme fisheye it appears the photo was taken with a spy camera of some sort, perhaps cleverly concealed on the lapel of a blue blazer, the belt buckle of a pair of white pants, under the glass of a Dark 'n' Stormy, or tucked into the binding of a recent copy of Martha Stewart Living magazine.

That is correct!.A field of forest green with an encircled portrait of dear old George.I think the motto says 'We are tired of all this damn rain'.:esad:


Sustaining Member
The spoils of many 1980s NE Ericson Rendezvous

Three of these (white, red and blue) are a very nice version and were made by The Sailbag Lady of Madison, CT for the mid 80s NE Ericson Rendezvous sponsored by Spicer's in Noank, CT.


They are still around (still have the same phone number on the label on the burgee!) and may still have the patterns.

The blue one matches my current color scheme but I would be willing to sell the other 3 for $10,000/each to defer a small potion of the restoration and refit costs of my E36RH.



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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
The third flag down in the picture in reply 4, is the Cascadia burgee. We have one also. The group is not very active these days, but used to have rendezvous gatherings and an active mailing list. Focused on sailors in Oregon, Washington, and BC Canada.