With initial guidance from
@vanilladuck and
@Kenneth K, I've ripped out my nearly 40-year old fuel system and made very similar "upgrade" to Bryan's good work illustrated throughout this thread.
Since I'm attending to the fuel system, I wished to ensure fuel tank and sending unit were also in good order. Fortunately, my tank has a visual 6" hole also on the top. I evacuated some 7ish gallons, tested (good) sending unit and... the sludge (yuck!). I grabbed pick-up tube to check rigidity (good), and ordered replacement seals for sending unit and large seal for inspection opening.
I discovered how to remove the wooden bracing board which run fore/aft on the inboard side of the removable panel to the engine compartment on the port side (Philips/plus crews) and marked where the screws were with marker both on the wood and fiberglass where the wood meets.
I tried creating a separate wood panel for the Racor 500, such as
@vanilladuck , but my water tank and cabling interfered. Therefore, I found T-Nuts to do the trick of helping to fasten the Fuel Filter Assembly to the wood with appropriately sized bolts.
NOTE: Dry Fit EVERYTHING, attach all fittings and dry fit everything again.
Moored here in Ballard with a number of excellent company resources, Larry at Neabar Hose and Fittings was a wizard in helping source and sell me appropriate fittings for the RACOR 500 and my existing fuel shut-off valve.
I also purchased and installed the FACET cube pump and included in-line element/filter (replaceable...should I carry one aboard?). This is powered and requires grounding. I used the existing power supply (pink wire) and ground wire (making the connection at the attachment screw).
I anticipate "viewing" the fuel bowl beneath the RACOR 500 to be difficult, but that was already the case with the existing RACOR 220 series bottom filter screw-off element & bowl. Again, my overall goal was to renew the system's equipment and also, hopefully, improve access to element/filter replacements.
Additionally, I moved the secondary filter on
@Kenneth K recommendation (it really is in a HORRIBLE location, should one need to make emergency fuel filter changes in rough weather...that's when sludge is going to get into the fuel system). While our sink was out, this access was quite helpful when I needed to reconnect the fuel hoses. (should have removed the galley sink first thing!)
Lucky Me, I discovered my M-25 already was installed with a "recirculating fuel bleed assembly," (which I've currently left alone until I get engine started and might be able to upgrade hoses with leisure and easy access under companionway.
Today, I hose clamped everything together, and will finish up the minor tank work soon. Pics below.
My plan is to ask a crewmember to turn the key, energizing the fuel pump to draw fuel from the (partially) filled fuel tank both fill the RACOR...at which point I'll install the element...and continue energizing to fill the secondary engine filter/element and possibly bleed the system as well. (I'll let ya know).
@vanilladuck itemized sheet format, below you'll see my costs (compared) and hyperlinks to parts.