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Member II
Has anyone ever thought of swapping sailing and boating :confused: books around? Except for a couple of refrence books, I would be willing to swap my books for any book I haven't read (which are not many). Anyone else? We could list what we have and just do swaps. The post office has an inexpensive book rate.


Sustaining Member
I've thought of that in the past myself, and would be interested.

The Seven Seas Cruising club had something like that at their Rendevous which I attended in Islesboro, ME this summer.


Member II
OK Dan. I have been out of state for a couple of days. Early this week, Ill make a list of some of the titles I have and you can see what you'd like. If you could do the same, we can swaap a few.


Contributing Partner
While were on the topic of tomes, I currently reading


Its actually pretty good but the author does have little hangup with IOR... This one came off the recommended reading from Brion Toss's site. Another was Nigel Calders cruisers handbook. Got that one for x-mas and have just thumbed through it. Looks to be really well done. I dont typically go for books like that bc they often are too basic and general for my likes, but this one is very thoreau. ;)

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
This thread seems to be about swapping around those titles we might all like to read once, but not neccessarily want to spend our retail $$ on or maintain on an already-crowded bookshelf.

My "gut feeling" is that a Marchaj book is one of the ones that tends to be kept as a reference (kind of like Toss' rigging book).
Perhaps... ya think?
Of course, that's what we all once said about Sail Power, by Wallace...
Now, no one even mentions it!


ps: if there were available a biography of Bruce King or Carl Schumacher, I would buy either one.


Inactive Member
Has anyone read the book about the guy trying to circumnavigate alone onboard an Ericson without lifelines, engine, etc?

I think I have a copy somewhere, and I'd be happy to send it out if I can find it...



Member II
I have the following books to swap. I will trade for any other book that I have not yet read regardless of cost. I suggest everyone does the same and see what we get. You can go on any of the bookstore sites to see what these volumes are about. Some are paperbacks.
TITLE Author
101 Tips for your sailboat Damour
80 Years of Yachting Robinson
A voyage for madmen Nichols
Keys to racing sucess Bavier
T. Jays log Rockford and Parr
Rites of passage Golding
My old man and the sea Hays and Hays
Advanced racing tactics Walker
The Norton book of the sea John O'Conner
The first voyage of the Joshua Moitessier
Cruising guide to the New England Coast (circa 1965)
And the sea will tell (novel) Henderson
continued on next post


Member II
Library continued

Longitude- Sobel
Fatal storm- Myndle
Self sufficient sailor-Pardy
Sail power- Ross
Topsail and battleaxe-Cunliffe
Travelers on a tradewind-Pirie
Cost concious cruiser-Pardy
Metal boats-Roberts

If this works, I'll add to the list. Please note that the Post Office has a special rate for books. Cheap. Just don't add in a letter.