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Living on the boat and also take some paying guests?


Member III
I am playing with the idea of early retirement, and then buy a sailboat, maybe a Bavaria 49 with three cabins. Then I could sail in Croatia in the warmest time of the year like July and August and then in Greece from May till October (except July and August). Then in April and October move between Greece and Suez or Sharm el-Sheikh and spend November till March in the Red Sea.
With a Bavaria 49 with three cabins, or a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 49 ds, I could use the large nice front cabin as my home, and then invite paying guests for the two back cabins. Then it will not be too crowded and we could get some company and some income. After a year or two, it might be possible to extend till a world tour?
Maybe this is just a pipe dream after this terrible wet summer we had in Norway this year, but the climate changes might give more rain in Norway in the future years if the experts are right.
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Member III

This is the sun Odyssey 49 DS
It looks very nice, but I have no idea how it sails.
Maybe I should rent it for a week or two next summer with my familly in Greece. Then I get a chance to find out.


It looks very nice, but I have no idea how it sails.

This is a picture of an almost brand new one from the outside.


I took the picture because it seemed so strange to have such a gleaming boat held together with ducktape (sp ?). :0




Member III
Ducktape to hold or tighten the window- Ohhh- no. I gotsome water coming through my windows, but they are more than 40 years old. Hmmm.... Maybe I should look for a better boat?
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Sustaining Partner
People on vacation and paying you to sail them about will want to be catered to and pampered. I have have met two couples that used to do this in the BVI. Both boats were 60+ft. One from each couple was a gourmet chef, at least one was a scuba diver and they held captains licenses. Paying customers are going to expect great meals, planned outings, watersports, etc. There appears to be good money in this racket but the boat is really not yours while you have guests on board, its work. I doubt this would suit me as I'm not real big about puckering up for anyone. YRMV. RT

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
You may want to look into the insurance implications--my current policy specifies that the boat not be used for any commercial purposes. I am sure that the policy could be changed, but probably at a much higher cost, likely with higher liability coverage, etc.



Member III
Thank you for comments. Yes there are a lot to consider, and with the current sailing papers I am limited till 49 feet, but this winter I am planning to take some new papers that will allow me to take lager boat up to 50 ton. Also my wallet stops me for going any bigger.


Member III
In Norway we got something we call three feet sickness. You always want a boat that is three feet longer than the boat you got. If I get the license to steer boats up till 50 ton, I can look at the sun Odyssay ds 54. There are a lot of them in Greece and Turkey, and I have found a 2004 model for €220K and a 2007 model for €260K.
When I look at the price for charter, the price for 54 ds is 40% more expensive than 49 ds. So maybe it is wart paying 30% extra and gets a larger boat.


Sustaining Partner
In the US, that syndrome is known as "three-foot-itis", the desire to own a boat just a bit bigger than what you have. Doesn't always work though, I recommend cutting to the chase and just getting what you really want. I went from a 22ft to a 38ft. Very overwhelmed at first but it worked out. Now looking at powerboats for other reasons but if I come back to sailing it will most likely be at least 45+ft. RT


Member III
Tomorrow I am going back to school. It is only every Tuesday night for 8 months to get the D5L license. It is a start, then I can command 50 tons boats, and I think 22 meters long and with 12 passengers. What incurrent that is needed to take paying customers is something I need to check out.
I am now trying to find the time the whole family can go sailing next summer, so I can rent a sun.O 54 ds and test it out first.


Member III
I did not even think about the incurrence premium, but I am not American. In Greece, Croatia, Turkey or Egypt people got a more sane level of insurance. I have read the Starbuck had to pay an insane amount of money because the coffee was too hot. In other country this payouts are at a more normal level. So I should stay away from American guests or have a close in the contract that settlements will have to be done in a European country with sane courts.

Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
You can set expectations for your guest that do not require you being a servent to them, just good casual sailing and adventure as it comes.
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Member III
Just back home from my first school day. After 3 hours of lectures I asked the instructor about my “problem”, and he came up with several solutions. The one I liked best was not to be a commercial vessel with paying passengers, but make the guest sign a membership in a club or organization. Then it is possible to circumvent some of the strict regulation for paying customers.
Also on the first page of the curse material it was stated that this certificate gave the right to handle boats up till 24 meters in length and 50 ton, not 22 meters as I wrote.


Member III
There are a lot of things to consider before taking paying customers, like what sort of company type to use, where it should be registered and how to get paying customers. Instead of me trying to invent the wheel over again, it might be better to find some internet sights where one can find people that has done all this already and then listen to their comment and then try to find the best option for ones need. If any of you got any good links it will be highly appreciated.