Looking for Sling Points on E35-3

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
The decals for the aft lift sling point is missing on our boat. I found some stickers on eBay.
sling pts 3 sm.jpg
Does anyone still have theirs indicated, or know where they should be? I couldn’t find anything about this in the manual (though it is hard to search).

sling points E35-3 sm.jpg
Just before we launched this week, I marked some spots with tape. The fore point is a little close to the paddle wheel for my comfort. I might start putting the dummy plug in for haul out. It looks like the aft sticker could go back a little further.

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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
While your boat's "lift points" may be different than others, I like the theory that the Travelift is really lifting XXXX pounds of lead with some added metal for an engine lump, and the hull weight is not as comparatively important.

Similar to your drawing, we spot the slings just behind the keel and well in front of the more-fragile shaft emergence, and the forward sling well aft of the paddle wheel position just in front of the keel.
The yard (if they know their job) will want that forward sling as far back as reasonably possible to avoid having the boat slide out of it. Most of the time they will tie the slings together above the waterline with some soft rope to also avoid that awful mistake.

Fin keel boats are indeed easier to safely lift than a full/long keel boat.

I have"sling" labels very similar to yours on the edges of the deck.

Fun Question: if you are cruising in SE Asia, will the boatyard provide you with a Singapore Sling? :D
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Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
Seems to me the lift operators like to "slide" the forward sling up the sloped edge of the keel until they find where it meets the hull (this is pretty far aft of the paddle-wheel). They seem to like centering the aft sling between the back of the keel and the prop shaft.

1 (3).jpg 4 (6).JPG 20220517_081758.jpg Lift Slings.jpg

Also, Jeff, is that just the camera angle, or is your mast rigged to be forward leaning (negative rake)?

Prairie Schooner

Jeff & Donna, E35-3 purchased 7/21
Seems to me the lift operators like to "slide" the forward sling up the sloped edge of the keel until they find where it meets the hull (this is pretty far aft of the paddle-wheel). They seem to like centering the aft sling between the back of the keel and the prop shaft.
. . .
Also, Jeff, is that just the camera angle, or is your mast rigged to be forward leaning (negative rake)?
Thanks Ken.

We've been out of the water three times now and I've never been there when they pulled the boat. That observation on technique is helpful. Last year was the first time they asked me for sling points to be marked somehow. I was only present at our first launch, at a different boatyard. I doubt our current yard lashes them together like Loren suggests, but I wish they would.

Now that you mention it, the mast does look funky. It's where professional riggers put it two years ago. It might just be camera. Next time we're out to the boat I'll ask the launch driver to do a couple loops so I can scope it out.


Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I don't have sling stickers, and apologized to the yard. They said they would never trust a sticker anyhow. I provided a printout of the hull profile from sailboatdata.com. They didn't want that, either.

Such a thing as a helicopter owner?

They did let me watch, at least.