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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

  • Untitled Document

    Join us on January 24th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o January Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    January Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)

member request

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Is there something odd about the email address? I guess I am not understanding the question. Is this a friend of yours having a problem logging
in? I also do not understand the picture referencing "Home building a better working world".....
You might want to have him email me at sailaway10 AT comcast DOT net.
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Sustaining Member
Looks to be some confusion with ey.org which redirects to ey.com and which is (to most of us) obviously different from ericsonyachts.org.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
This appears (to me at least) to be a phishing attempt.

We don't have a URL EY.org - just EricsonYachts.org - so this is something you likely want to avoid.

Also, registering for this site is not that difficult. If you have any issues at all, all you need to do is reach out to us and it gets resolved very, very quickly. See the "Contact Us" button below?

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
EY.com/EY.org is Ernest & Young, the gigantic international accounting firm. About as far from the maintenance of 40-year-old sailboats as you can get.... :)

Alan Gomes

Sustaining Partner
a lot of the E&Y folks are past 40, in need need of maintenance, and may even float. Might not be as far off as it seems.
Plus, it takes a gigantic accounting firm to keep track of how much we spend on our boats. That is, if any of us were crazy enough to do that in the 1st place.


Member III
Y'all are hilarious! It was me (Anton on Alameda) trying to get verified, but when I typed in this URL, I must have mistyped it, and the first link was Ernst & Young (I do have friends there, though! LOL). Sean and I got it sussed out, though, and I'm now a happy, contributing member as a new E30+ owner. AHOY!