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Metamorphosis: From White to Blue


This filed under 'Things discovered while walking the boatyard'. A site member (who will remain un-named, but he knows who he is!) has been holding back a gem of a winter project, having the yard paint new blue where once existed late 20th Century Olson 'Kinda White'. A success story, however framed...


And no, you're not experiencing a flashback, the pic is just a bit of fun with the Prisma Ap...

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Truly Stunning indeed!

Thanks also for the image enhancement.... I had forgotten how great everything looked in the 60's (well, at times...) !


Yep, that be the one!

Slick470 nailed it, don't know how it was missed originally. All better! :)