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More Presidential Candidates

Steve Swann

Member III
With all the people throwing their hat into the presidential race, I would imagine there are a few people here getting ready to try also.

It'd be nice to have a Viking in the Oval Office.....:D

Steve Swann

Member III
Seth or the Wizard of Oz...

From Seth's postings, he has more collective knowlege than anyone I see running thus far - and that goes for either side of the aisle! :egrin:


Sustaining Partner
I vote for Haggar!!

Geez guys-thanks-but I think a cartoon character is eminently more qualified than I am-and more so than any of the declared candidates, too!

Fair winds to all,


Kim Schoedel

Member III
There ya go Steve, you are the chosen one. I can just see you a standin behind the podium lookin good with your foul weather gear on and holdin a cold one. Hang on, let me check with my advisors........

Ok, done deal, I will be the first to contribute to your campaign fund!

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Judson for Prez

I nominate Glyn, dressed in his viking horned helmet and the special shorts with the red hearts...
(like the January picture on the Ericson calendar.)
Now THERE's a campaign photo op!


Steve Swann

Member III
A Cold One?

Hey, Kim,

Is "Billy Beer" still being made? :D I think this would add flavor to the campaign. As my manager, what's my limit?

Campaign 2008

Okay guys,

I'm ready here in Iowa for our caucuses. Just let me know what you want me to do. Who do we know in New Hamshire to head up the their primaries? Sorry, no "Billy Beer" but how about a six-pack of "O'Doulles"?:cheers: At last, I see some hope for our great nation!!!:egrin:
