Need a surveyor in Seattle area

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Literally, I am asking on behalf of a friend....
Who is a good friend and fellow club member. He needs a surveyor for a 37 foot Yamaha that he wants to buy. All I know is that the boat is said to have been well cared for and is a tiller model (which is rather cool). Ironically, we looked at a sister ship many years ago, but decided that we liked our boat too much to consider a change. That said, the high quality of the build was obvious.
If you know of a surveyor and have the contact info please pass it along.
Thanks much!


Member III
Blogs Author
John Sanford - Sanford Marine Surveys
(425) 941-6354

Just had him do a survey for us. First time I’ve hired a surveyor so I don’t have anything to compare to, but we were happy with the service and feel like he did a thorough job.